i hate girls 🚫

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As soon your eyes met with him , which were burning as he saw those guys troubling you.  It was taehyung , he punched the guy who was holding your hand.

"You bastard !" Taehyung said and pushed him back on the road.

You gasped at his sudden actions , you stepped back. While panting heavily.

The situation got so worse that those guys , also punched taehyung back on face.

But by taking the chance you called police on time. And saved him , who was alone fighting with them.

The blood which was dripping from his lip , you looked up and met with his chocolate brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" That was the only thing you could ask in this situation.

He didn't answer and started walking and you tried to follow him and trying to match his speed.

"Here take this and wipe the blood"

You handed him the handkerchief.

He stared at you for a good 5 minutes and you just stared back with doe eyes.

Finally he took , the handkerchief and wiped it slowly.

"Will you explain...what were u doing here at this time" he spoke finally looking at you Straight.

He again looked scary , and his voice sounded like he was commanding you to answer. You fidgeting with your fingers , tried to speak .

"Actually...I was looking for a part time job...so I came here to look for one" you spoke looking everywhere but not him.

He didn't seem to be convinced

"Didn't you had time in day...plus why isn't someone with you...why you have to come all the way here all alone"

He bursted at you once.

"I am sorry" you mumbled while looking down.

He again walked away and you again tried to match his speed.

While walking you secretly took a glance , at his face even while injured he looks hella handsome no doubt.

Mentally slapping yourself,  you averted your gaze to front.

But his heavy voice made you look at him again.

"I am..s-sorry" he hesitantly said .

"Sorry for what" you said back.

"For the day...when I first met you"

He stated calmly , you nodded while making a "o" with your mouth.

So finally he apologized,  okay not in front of everyone but alone.

You mentally giggled and kept on walking.

Finally he walked to the direction of boys dorm which was opposite to the female dorms.

With that you realised he took your handkerchief with himself.

He entered the dorm and jimin was laying in his bed while using the phone.

Taehyung Straight went to the bathroom and jimin noticed a pink handkerchief covered with blood.

Jimin smirked to himself at the thought that his friend was having a girl's handkerchief.

Meanwhile the next morning everything was as usual soojin and you attended your classes.

Jimin came from nowhere glaring at you.

You gave him a awkward smile , soojin excused herself and walked upto another class.

"Don't you have brain.. why didn't you told me...that you were going for finding Job...also alone"

He said you looked down and processed how to reply.

"He already lectured me enough...now you also don't get  started" you pouted while looking down.

"Who ?"

"Your friend taehyung..." you finally said and looked up.

He laughed making you more confuse.

"He scolded you for going out....seriously".

You nodded earning another laugh from jimin.

"Will you tell me...why are you laughing"

You asked getting annoyed. He finally breathed and tried to speak between his laughs and giggles.

"He hate girls...and he hardly talks to any girl"  his words were clear you blinked twice not understanding what was that then when he scolded you like your father.

"Btw...it's your handkerchief right"

He said handing your handkerchief while smiling cheekily. You nodded and you saw the handkerchief all washed and cleaned well.

"Btw who told you about the yesterday incident" you asked.

"Taehyung !" He said you nodded while looking at the handkerchief.

While walking away , you sensed people rushing toward , a particular direction.

Which made you more curious.

You also followed the crowd and reached the hallway which was filled with every student there.

You pushed some people and tried to peak through them.

Soon you spotted sujin , who was looking at the two figure standing in middle.

"What's happening here-"

Your words got cut off when you moved your  eyes to the direction soojin was looking.

Two figures a girl and a guy.

It was for sure taehyung and a girl
The girl was having a smirk on her face.

She was standing while holding a gift pack in her hand.

She looked like a fairy,  she was so beautiful that even you couldn't take your eyes off her.

"Heyy...taehyung..aah  it's me suha"


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The Warriors High Schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें