Chapter 44

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"Fuck yes Joonie right there!" Yoongi moans out and Namjoon thrusts harder, hitting his prostate dead on. "I'm gonna cum!" Yoongi moans and pushes his ass back onto Namjoon. "Fuck hyung...I wanna knot you so bad" Namjoon groans, slamming his hips into Yoongi. "Fuck!" Yoongi cums onto his chest and Namjoon groans, pulling out and jerking himself off onto Yoongis stomach with a growl.

It's been a week since they visited Taehyung, and things were going great. They were watching a movie when a sex scene came up and that's how they ended up here.

"Fuck hyung" Namjoon whines. "I'm going insane here" he breathes out. "What's wrong Joonie?" Yoongi asks, caressing his mate's cheek. "I wanna knot you. But I know you don't like the feeling of condoms"

"It's fine Joonie. You can knot me yknow"
"Hyung you'll-"
"Shhh. Let me ride you hmm?" Yoongi flips them over and straddles his mate's lap before he's sinking onto Namjoons cock. They moan out in unison. "Hyung you're-"
"Shh. I don't wanna hear it. You've been whining about knotting me for a week. Just knot me until you're satisfied"

Yoongi began swirling his hips but Namjoon stopped him "No hyung. I'll be fine. I'll knot you with a condom, so let me put one on"
"Namjoon you know-"
"I know hyung! But if you get pregnant and lose the pup it'll be my fault because I put you through it. Don't argue with me on this, let me put a condom on first, and then you can ride till your heart's content."

"Okay, you seriously need to knot."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"You've been moody all week. At first, I didn't care cuz it might be because of work, but your mood swings are insane"
"So I'm not allowed to be moody? Great. Good to know hyung"

Namjoon gently pushed Yoongi off of him and pulled his pants back on. "Namjoon you know that's not what I meant. You clearly need to cool off."
"I need to cool off? You need to make up your fucking mind. I need to walk on eggshells around you because I can't tell if you want a pup or not. You make me fuck you without a condom because you don't like the feeling, you make me pull out so you don't get pregnant. I bought you a pregnancy test last week to make sure you aren't pregnant because you don't want that, and now you want me to knot you knowing full well that if I do, you will become pregnant. Not maybe. You will. You're not even on birth control!
Communication is key to a relationship, right? I don't know what you want hyung. Your mouth says one thing but I can see it in your eyes. You want another pup. You want to become pregnant. You want to try again. But you're holding back because of what happened. But there's one thing you don't have now, that you had when you lost the pup. Your mother. She's out of the picture, she's out of your life so there's no stressful situation. Unless I make you stressed. Do I make you stressed? Is that why you're holding back?"

Yoongis mouth was agape. "What no! Why would you think that!"
"Because up until now you haven't said anything about pups. When you were In heat, and I was hugging you, you said next time. The fuck does that even mean? You speak in riddles, you make me second guess my actions, and on top of that you've been lying to me about being pregnant"


"You're lying to me hyung. You want to be pregnant you just don't want to admit it"

"You want the fucking truth?! Fine! I'll give it to you Namjoon!  I do! I want to be pregnant so fucking badly. I want to try again. I want to start a family with you but I'm so fucking scared. I'm so scared of waking up and seeing my sheets covered in blood. I'm so scared that if I do get pregnant and we go somewhere, Yera will be there to ruin it all over again. I'm so scared that If I get pregnant and lose it, I won't be able to have another chance. I heard Jungkook that night at the hospital.  I know that if I end up losing another pup, it's over. My body will go back to its normal alpha side and I'll never be able to have your pups. And it fucking scares me!"

Yoongi pants out. He basically rapped that whole speech out. Namjoon sighs. "Then what are we going to do hyung? We need to talk about this.  We can't just beat around the bush"
Yoongi says nothing. "You can't be scared hyung. If you are then why bother trying again?"

"Because I know that if I lose this pup, we won't be together"
"Hyung. I won't leave you. Please don't tell me you're planning on leaving me"

Yoongi shakes his head "No no. I won't leave you again. I just know that you'll leave because I can't give you what you truly want"
"What I truly want is a family with you hyung. And if you can't give me what I want then fuck it. You're the only family I need"

"So what do we do? Where do we go on from here?"
"We start with what you want to do hyung. Do you want to try again or do you want to wait"

Yoongi's heart rate picks up. He really does want to try again but he's so scared.
"I want to try...I want to try again"
Namjoon nods. "But we won't do that tonight hyung. We'll let it come naturally"

Yoongi nods and crawls over to Namjoon. "I love you Joonie"
"I love you too hyung. Now cmon. Let's sleep"Yoongi slips on a pair of boxers and lays in Namjoons arms and it's not long before they're both drifting off to sleep.

They awoke with a sudden banging on Yoongi's apartment door. They both jump up and run to the door to see Hoseok and Jimin there. "Uhhh... what's wrong?" Yoongi asks confused.

"We tried texting and calling you guys but no one answered so we came to tell you personally" Hoseok steps into Yoongi's apartment and Jimin follows behind. "Come on in why don't you," Yoongi says sarcastically before he closes the door, following his friends to his living room.

"Well? Spit it out will ya" Yoongi growls, the sleepiness still lingering in his body.
"So Jimin wasn't feeling well for the past 2 weeks"
"Right. Everything made me sick and my heat was late so-"

"Jimin's pregnant?" Namjoon asks.

They both excitedly nod. "Awww hyung! Congratulations I'm so happy for you!" Namjoon hugs Hoseok and Jimin. "Really? You couldn't wait until...I don't know...UNTIL MORNING?! ITS 3 AM" Yoongi yells. "Payback" Jimin shrugs. Yoongi shakes his head before smiling "Congratulations. I'm happy for you guys. Now get out. I want to sleep" he grumbles.

"C'mon hyung. Jimin is pregnant. Why don't we celebrate" Hoseok suggests. "Hoseok......IT'S 3 AM!"

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