Chapter 25

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Namjoon and Yoongi bid their Goodbyes after paying for breakfast before they're walking to the clinic.  "You think it's gonna be a girl or a boy?" Namjoon asks smiling warmly. "I..have a feeling it's gonna be a boy"
"Have you thought of names?"
Yoongi laughs "Relax baby. It's only been a few hours after finding out. We have 8 more months to think of names"

"I hope she looks like you"
"You think it's gonna be a girl?"
Namjoon nods "Without a doubt. She'll be tiny like you" Namjoon teases. Poking Yoongis side. "I'm not tiny" Yoongi scoffs "You are."
"That's not what you said during my Rut"
Namjoon stares at Yoongi and gasps "Hyung that's why you were sick!"
Yoongi tilts his head "hah?"
"When I made you crab! You threw up and then right after you had your rut"
"If I had my rut then I couldn't have conceived"

Namjoon thinks for a moment before he nods "true...but then again you're an alpha"
Yoongi hums "I could've conceived after that"
"The day after your rut?"
"Probably. We'll find out soon though" Yoongi says walking into the clinic. 

"Hello, gentlemen.  What can I do for you?" The lady says smiling. "Uhmm...we'd like to make an appointment for him," Namjoon says pointing at Yoongi. "And what seems to be the problem?" She says getting a pen out "umm..he's having pregnancy symptoms so we came to check if it's true" She nods and writes down. "Dr. Jeon will be out in a minute. Please take a seat."

They take a seat, patiently waiting. Namjoon sees a book about babies and grabs it, opening and reading through it. "Really?" Yoongi asks
"Out of all the magazines you could've took one about babies?"
"Well I gotta start learning how to be a dad somewhere"
"You do know parenthood isn't something you can study right? You gotta learn that on your own with a literal baby I might add"
"I know. But It doesn't hurt to read a little"

"Mr.Min. Doctor Jeon will see you now," The receptionist says opening a door. Namjoon and Yoongi get up walking into a separate medical room.

"Yoongi and Namjoon? What a surprise" Jungkook says adjusting his glasses "What brings you guys to my clinic?" He smiles, ushering the couple to sit down.
"Hi, Jungkook. We came in to have a checkup done on him" Namjoon says. "And what seems to be the problem?"
"Pregnancy symptoms" Yoongi mumbles

Jungkook lifts a brow "I see..and when did you start feeling sick?"
"About a month ago. After my rut"
"I'm sorry?" Jungkook tilts his head "You're an alpha correct?" Yoongi nods "And you Namjoon?"
"I'm an alpha too"
"Ahhh makes sense," Jungkook writes something down on a note pad "I don't mean to be straightforward or prude here but Yoongi is the one that..bottoms correct?"
They both nod

"Ahhh...You see, it's completely normal for alpha mates to experience false Pregnancies however there are an odd few cases where the alpha male is indeed pregnant. How it happens or how a uterus even forms is unknown but doctors and scientists believe it has something to do with the dominance and sperm of the partner. Some believe a constant amount of seed in the rectum makes the body believe it's female or omega and forms a uterus.  The only physical changes are body proportions getting bigger and in some cases full-on change. Slick and heats. Have you experienced any physical changes?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah. My hips and stomach have gotten fatter"
"Softer" Namjoon corrects. Yoongi rolls his eyes "Softer. I've been having mood swings too. Craving for certain foods and certain smells make me nauseous"

Jungkook nods, writing down something "Smells and cravings are common. Although the physical changes are pointing to a definite pregnancy. The only way we can be certain is to do a scan. Would you guys want that?"

They nod and Jungkook smiles. "Alright then. Please do remember that it could be a false pregnancy so don't get your hopes up. Give me a minute while I go fetch a nurse to bring the scanner" Jungkook exits the room.

"I'm suddenly getting nervous" Yoongi says chewing his bottom lip. "So am I...but whatever happens hyung, I love you. Pregnant or not."
Yoongi gives a quick smile before Jungkook comes back with the machine.

"Alright, the gell will be a bit cold but it'll warm up. Please lift your shirt." Yoongi lifts his shirt and Jungkook squirts gell onto Yoongis stomach before he's lightly pressing the machine onto Yoongis stomach, moving it around.

"How's y/n?" Yoongi asks making small talk as Jungkook searches for something. "She's good. She had Jaehyun about 2 weeks ago"
"Isn't that a little early?" Jungkook nods "she had been complaining about how something was wrong so I took her in and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was barely breathing"

Yoongi gasps. "Oh my god, that's horrible" Jungkook nods "Yeah. They rushed her to ER and did an emergency C-section. Thankfully they got him out in time. He's in the ECU ward until he's strong enough to come home but other than that, he's as tough as a nail" Jungkook chuckles. "I'm glad both Y/n and the baby are fine"
"Me too."

"And it looks like I've found it," Jungkook says stopping at one spot. Namjoon and Yoongi look at the spec on the monitor "There's your pup. Congratulations you're pregnant" Jungkook smiles. "Judging by the size, I'd say the little bugger is a month old. Most probably conceived after your rut as you said. Would you like for me to print pictures for you to take home?"

Yoongi nods "That would be great. Thank you Jungkook"
"It's not a problem Yoongi. I'll quickly go print these. I'll be back shortly" Jungkook wipes Yoongis stomach and he's out to print pictures.

"I love you Namjoon" Namjoon smiles "Where did that come from?"
"Am I not allowed to say I love you? Fine"

Namjoon chuckles and kisses Yoongi softly "I love you too. And I love Mingi" Yoongi is taken aback by the familiar name. "Mingi?"
Namjoon nods "If it's a girl. Her name will be Mingi" Yoongi giggles "Did you read my mind or something?"
"No? I heard the name when you were sleeping at my parent's cabin. I liked it so now I'm naming our daughter Mingi"
"It's gonna be a boy Joon. Watch"
"50/50 hyung. We'll see"

Just then, Jungkook walks back in with 3 A3 pictures "Here you go" He says handing them to Namjoon.
"Hey, Jungkook? What are the odds of it being a girl?"
"Depends on the genes. Do you have any siblings?" He asks Namjoon. "An older brother"
"And you Yoongi?"
"A younger half brother"
"Odds of it being a girl is 32% and 68% odds for a boy. It could change depending on the Y-chromosome in Yoongis body" Jungkook answers Namjoon.

"Told you," Yoongi says smugly.
"It could always change. Y/n and I went by the same ods thinking Jaehyun was going to be a girl but when he was born it changed" Jungkook shrugs.
"Told you," Namjoon says equally smug.
"Shut up. Thank you once again Jungkook. You and Y/n should come over with the kids once Jaehyun is strong enough. We'd love to have you guys over for dinner" Yoongi says smiling. "Wouldn't it be awkward after what I did?" Namjoon asks.

"Don't worry about what happened Namjoon. Y/n understands that what she had done to Yoongi was unforgivable. Trust me, she regrets leaving him to run off on his own. Plus, she's a very forgiving person. She doesn't tend to hold a grudge. As for your offer Yoongi, We'd love to come over for dinner sometime"  Jungkook smiles.

"I'm glad things went the way they did. Otherwise, Your mate would've been mine and I wouldn't have met Namjoon"

"Right. And I'd still be having a crush on my gym teacher" Jungkook laughs.
"We should get going. Jin-hyung just texted me that my parents are at his apartment."
"Right. Thanks again Jungkook! Bye"

And with that they're walking out of the clinic, happily looking at the scans of their small miracle baby.

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