chapter 10

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A/n:I'd like to make it clear that it's around 6 pm in the story.

After satisfying his alpha side, Yoongi pulled away, sniffing Namjoons neck only to growl with contentment. "Alright let's go" Yoongi took hold of Namjoons hand before they were both making their way down to hybe.


Jimin and Hoseok stand in front of hybe, Hoseok securely wrapping his arms around the omega's waist as he rests his head on Jimin's. "You should touch up your hair" Hoseok mumbled, touching the roots of Jimin's hair "I was thinking of changing the color" Jimin smiled at his mate. "Oohhh~ what color are you gonna make it?"
"Dunno...I might make it pink"
"The same pink as your beautiful little ho-" Jimin slapped Hoseoks arm "pervert! Forget it! I'm making it blonde"
Hoseok chuckled "I'm kidding my love. I think pink would suit you...but now I'm stuck between blonde and pink"

Jimin smiled "guess you'll have to wait and see what color I'll put on"
"I hope it's pink"
"Yah you perv!" Jimin yelled out making Hoseok laugh.
"Hey, Jiminnie?"
"Yes, Seokie?"
"I love you"
"I love you too hyungie" Jimin turned around and kisses Hoseok softly, to which Hoseok kissed back, cupping the omegas cheeks. After a short, sweet kiss they pulled away. "Hmm remind me that when we get home, to continue that" Jimin mumbled against Hoseoks lips. Hoseok growled playfully, pulling Jimin flush against his hips "You're playing with fire my omega" Hoseok smirked. "Good thing I know how to put out fire" Jimin giggled
"Hmmm and how's that?"
"Squirting water on flames" Jimin purred, kissing Hoseok feverishly. Hoseok kissed back with an equal amount of fever, gripping his mate's hips tightly as he slips his tongue into the omega's mouth. Jimin moans into the kiss and Hoseok can smell Jimin starting to slick up.

He growled at this, spreading Jimins thighs with one of his own "My omega getting wet for me already?"
"Seokie~" Jimin whined, rubbing himself onto his mate "Patience baby. I'll do you real good after dinner"
"Knot me?"
"I'll knot you baby"

"Ehem...I hope we're not interrupting something"

Hoseok and Jimins heads flew in the direction of Yoongis voice. Jimin quickly pushed Hoseok away, making him fly into a bush as Jimin adjusts his shirt and pants with his cheeks deep pink. "Nope! Just talking!" Jimin yelled.

Hoseok groaned and got out of the bushes, a twig with a single leaf stuck in his hair "Sorry seokie!" Jimin apologized, helping his mate back up and pulling the twigs and leaves off of him. "It's okay Minnie" Hoseok smiled, pecking his mate's lips.

"Right! Where to?" Hoseok asked after pulling away, determination burning in his eyes. "Um. This way" Yoongi pointed to the left side of the building. Hoseok and Jimin were walking in the front, arm in arm while Jimin was enthusiastically talking about puppies as Yoongi and Namjoon awkwardly walked beside each other.

Yoongi looked down to where Namjoons larger hand was swaying beside his body before he got the courage and gripped onto his hand, looking away from Namjoon to a group of kids building a sand castle in the sand pit at a playground.

Namjoon felt something warm on his hand and looked to see Yoongis hand holding onto his. Namjoons heart did a backflip and his cheeks slightly turned pink as he smiled. He held onto Yoongis hand, giving it a light squeeze to let Yoongi know he knows. Yoongi looks back, his cheeks still red and Namjoon smiles "I'm glad you want to hold my hand"

"I'm glad to-" Yoongi was cut off when a small boy bumped into him. "Sorry, mister!" The child apologized before scurrying away. Not long after, a bunny-looking man ran after him "Jeon Soobin! I'm so sorry about my son-.....Yoongi? Min Yoongi?"

Yoongi blinked. He recognized this man. "Jungkook...Hi"
"Wow hyung it's been what? 11 years? How are you!" Jungkook asked enthusiastically. "Umm...Good. oh, this is my mate Namjoon...Namjoon this is Ju-"
"Jungkook I got us ice cream! Oh...hello"

A woman with y/h/c and a round belly says "Y/n remember Yoongi from high school? This is him and his mate."

Yoongi and Y/n stared at each other.
"Long time no see," Y/n says awkwardly. "Yeah. I see you've grown. And growing a life aswel. Congratulations" Yoongi says eying her baby bump. Y/n smiled "thanks. 34 weeks pregnant. I'm just so ready to have this little bugger out" She joked, rubbing her belly.

Namjoon was feeling..he wasn't sure. Y/n, Yoongis first love, the one who left him and broke his heart was standing in front of them with the man she left Yoongi for, their son glued to Jungkooks side and another baby in her stomach. His eyes lingered there.

Oh, how he wanted Yoongi to be round and full of his pups. Yoongi would look so so gorgeous, small and tiny with a huge belly, a healthy pup growing inside of him. He can see Yoongi waddling around like a penguin, his hand caressing his stomach. He can see Yoongi underneath him, Yoongis ass spread open on his cock and his belly hanging heavily underneath him as they make love.

"Namjoon?" Yoongi clicked his fingers in front of his face. "Yes?"
"Sorry. He's been dazed recently. This is Namjoon, he's my mate" Yoongi says, a smile spreading across his face "so nice to meet you. My name is Y/n...Yoongi and I use to be a thing before I found Jungkook"
"That's relevant how?"
Namjoon spoke without thinking.

Yoongi was about to scold Namjoon for his rudeness when y/n chuckled "It's not. Just wanted to tell you. Which reminds me-" She turned and lightly smacked Yoongis arm, Making Namjoon growl "Where the hell were you for 11 years?! You know how worried I was!?"

"You mean before or after you left Yoongi and Mated Jungkook?" Namjoon glared.
"Namjoon-" Yoongi tried to calm him down.
"He was running away. Alone I might add. After a certain someone promised to go with him" Namjoon spoke calmly, but the anger in his voice was still there. "Or do you mean the time he was in the hospital due to a car accident? Or cuz his appendix burst? Or do you mean when he was barely making anything to get by? Or do you mean the time when he lost everything? Better question Y/n. Where were you? You know, if someone makes a promise, You danm well keep it, even if your mate comes into the picture. You left Yoongi. You left him alone, Scared, confused, and heartbroken. The least you could've done was tell him that you found your mate. Or hell I don't know...have all 3 of you run away together or even-"

"Namjoon enough!" Yoongis voice boomed.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I don't know why he's bringing up the past. We'll get going now. Sorry for causing trouble" Yoongi put his hand onto Namjoons hand and forced him to bow alongside Yoongi before Yoongi is dragging him down an alleyway.

Namjoon felt guilty. He fucked up. He fucked up and Yoongi was mad. Namjoon was about to apologize when Yoongi slumped against him, hugging him tightly. "Hyung?" Namjoon felt Yoongi shake. "S-sorry," Yoongi says slightly panting. Yoongi was having a panic attack. Namjoon wrapped his arms around Yoongi "shhhh it's okay hyung. You're okay"

After a while, Yoongi calmed down "Thanks...for saying the words I wasn't brave enough to say" Yoongi says against Namjoons chest. "I thought you were mad.." Namjoon says.
"I was. But after I realized you were only sticking up for me I started to panic...not because you were making me anxious but because of the things you said and how you looked at her.. and I was afraid"


Why was Yoongi afraid? "Hyung...why were you afraid?"
"Because I was scared you'd leave me for a woman..."

Namjoon laughed "and why on earth would I do that?"
"Because...I don't have a uterus..."
Namjoon laughed more "you think I care if you have a uterus or not?"
"I saw the way you looked at her stomach."
"And how was that?"
"Like you wanted it to happen to me"

"Yoongiiiiii??! Namjoooon!!!!" Jimin and Hoseok's voices were heard calling out for them. "Well discuss this later. Cmon. Hoseok and Jimin are waiting." Yoongi held onto Namjoons hand and pulled him along.

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