Talk To Me - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

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"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he sobs, burying his face in the crook of her neck as fresh tears slip from his eyes and wet her skin.

They stand there in the rain for who knows how long but long enough for them to both be shivering in the cold and raindrops coating their skin. It'll be a miracle if they don't end up ill but she knows they can't stay out here all night despite the way she doesn't want to move Eddie for fear of him leaving again but the tightness of his grasp tells her that he's nor going anywhere, "let's go inside, yeah" she mumbles into his hair, feeling him nod against as he lets her lead the way.

She settles him in the kitchen on one of the dining chairs rather than on the couch in the living room, afraid that the sheer amount of water dripping from the both of them will somehow damage the fabric and then she'll have to deal with the wrath of her parents. She's managed to find a fresh blanket to wrap around his shoulders in an attempt to warm him up and she halfway through making them a hot chocolate, not Eddie's first choice of drink she knows but at least it's warm, when he apologises again.

"Eddie it's fine I get it really" she tries to smile as she places through mug down on the table in front of him, waving a hand towards it to try and encourage him to drink as she sits on the chair next to him, her fingers tingling as the warmth returns to them through her own mug of hot chocolate.

"No it's not" he insists, ignoring the mug and leaning towards her as he reaches for the mug in her hands, placing it gently on the table and then taking her hands into his own. His big brown chocolate button eyes find her own, his eyes swirling with so much emotion that it's hard for her not to get lost in them. "I can't lose you" he admits, eyes unblinking as he stares into hers and she can see just how genuine his words are.

It's a relief knowing that he doesn't want to break up but there's more to it and that's what worries her. What had played on his mind so much that he thought the only way to fix it was to break up with her and worst of all how had she missed it, she should have been there to ease the worry away before it escalated just as he had done countless times for her.

"You deserve so much more than I can give you and it's selfish for me to want you all to myself and keep you from finding that but I can't live without you" he reveals, a sad smile on his face and she can't help but feel he's going to break her heart all over again as part of some sick twisted joke but he's pouring his heart out to her instead, finally communicating everything he's kept bottled up for so long.

"You're funny, smart, really pretty and just overall perfect and I count myself as so lucky that you even give me the time of day because you could've had anyone and yet you chose the freak" he says, choking back a sob as his eyes flutter closed. This is hard for him, Eddie is not one for sharing how he's feeling, instead preferring to hide it behind a smile and pretending everything is okay until he caves under the weight just like tonight.

"Eddie please" her voice is soft but stern as she pulls a hand from his grasp to reach up to cup his cheek as he finally opens his eyes again to look at her. "Baby there is no one in this whole world that could love me better than you do, you give me everything I need and more so if anything I don't deserve you" she confessed.

It's true and there's been times that her own self doubts have clouded her judgement of their relationship. It's no secret that, even though they're both seniors, Eddie is a couple of years older than her because of him having to repeat senior year and sometimes she can't help but feel like a child compared to him in terms of their experiences. She doesn't smoke or drink like Eddie does and she always feels silly for it but he is always there to remind her that her feelings are valid but that is not how he sees her, that he loves her how she is.

"And you are not a freak, no matter what those meatheads say, just because you don't conform to their idea of a perfect citizen" she adds, rolling her eyes as she says the last part. It had always bugged her that for a town that claims to be welcoming and friendly, they really did have a way of looking down on those who were even slightly different to their ideals. "Now I don't know what I have to do to get it into that stubborn head of yours but I love you Eddie Munson" she's teasing him to try and make him smile but she means every word she says.

He leans into the touch of her hand still resting against his cheek and his eyes flutter shut again as he takes in her words, letting them wash over him and wash away all his doubts as he finally smiles at her. "I love you too and I really am sorry for everything"

"You don't need to be sorry just talk to me okay, I'm here for you just as much as you are for me" she tells him, leaning forward to meet him and softly pressing her lips to his in a short kiss that leaves them both dizzy as the pull apart but they stay close to each other. "I think it's time for bed and cuddles" she suggests, stifling a yawn as sleep finally begins to creep up on her.

She stands, pulling Eddie up from the chair as well, chuckling when the blanket falls from his shoulders and lands in a heap on the chair. She doesn’t make any move to tidy it up or remove the mugs as she knows they'll be no one to scold her for it in the morning and besides there are more important things to focus on tonight. Leading them out of the kitchen and up to her room she notices how close Eddie stays to her, his hand still clasped in her own until they make it up to her room and she has to reluctantly let go.

Eddie makes a disgruntled noise as she does and she turns to him with a reassuring smile on her face, "I'm just getting some dry clothes, I'm not leaving" she adds, as she crouches by her chest of drawers and reaches into the bottom draw where there's a couple of Eddie's shirts and a pair of sweatpants he's left for occasions like this. Pulling them out she passes them to him before pulling out a shirt for herself, not bothering with any pants as it's Eddie's so it's quite long on her anyway.

After she changes she turns to find Eddie already on the bed, his eyes glued to her and she smiles at him before dropping her wet clothes into the laundry basket on her way over to the bed where she crawls over and lays down right next to him under the covers. Eddie's quick to adjust his position, rolling onto his side and laying an arm over her tummy as he lays his head on her chest, humming contentedly as his body relaxes into her. 

The arm of hers that's closest to him lays across the back of  his shoulders so that her hand comes to rest in his damp hair which she plays with in the way she knows he likes. Her other hand comes to the one that's resting against her tummy where she slides her fingers through his giving his hand a squeeze, "I love you Eddie" she whispers into the silence of the room as she does.

It's not long until they've fallen asleep, the events of the past few hours exhausting them but at least they can fall asleep knowing that their love for each other is as strong as always and it's going to take more than some self doubt to break the two of them apart.

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