"It's back online. Maybe when you opened the door from the outside, it reset the system." Kevin says.

"Uh... cool, I guess." Larissa shrugs.

"Where are Sam and Dean?" Kevin asks.

"Oh, um... they're alive. They just-- I really wanted to get back and make sure you guys were okay." Larissa says. "I'm gonna go get her some milk." She walks out.

After getting Athena a bottle and feeding her, Larissa put her down to go to bed. She gets her phone and calls Dean.

"Hey. Is he still in a coma?" She asks.

"Actually, uh... he's gonna be-- he's gonna be fine." Dean says.

"What? Just like that? How?" Larissa asks.

"Some kind of miracle." Dean says.

"There's no fucking way, Dean." Larissa argues.

"Um, yeah, there is a fucking way. Just, uh... we'll be home in a day or so. You know, not gonna take it super slow, but not too fast. And, uh... maybe don't mention the hospital when you see him."

"Why not?"

"Because, uh... because it's a sensitive subject."

"Dean." Larissa warns.

"Look, I'll-- I'll explain later." Dean says.

"Dean, what did you--" He hangs up. "Fuck." She whispers.


After getting Crowley in the dungeon, Sam quickly found his wife and daughter.

"Hey." Sam grins, seeing Larissa picking up the room.

"Sam." She sighs in relief. She rushes forward and tightly hugs him. Sam hugs her back, bending down since his arms go around her waist. He kisses her neck before they break away.

They hear an excited shriek and Sam looks at Athena.

"Hey, my baby." He softly greets. He picks her up out of the crib and holds her. "Hi." Athena rests her head on his shoulder, her hand somewhat gripping his jacket. Sam kisses her on the head and rubs her back.

"I'm sorry that I, uh... that I left. I just... I needed to make sure she was okay and Dean urged me to go. I just--"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. I'm not mad or anything." Sam tells her.

"Are you sure?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. You both are okay, that's all that I care about." Sam says, wrapping his free arm around her. Athena puts her hand on her mom's face making her lightly laugh.

"You find my nose?" Larissa asks. Athena quietly babbles, gripping her mom's nose lightly. "Yeah, that's my nose. And there's your nose." She taps Athena's nose, the baby smiling.

"Yo." They turn to Dean in the doorway. Athena makes a loud noise. "Yeah, hey, munchkin." He gives her a short wave. "Hate to break up your cute, little domestic moment, but we do have Crowley in the dungeon, so..."

"Right. Uh... I'll be back later." Sam tells Larissa. He kisses Athena on the cheek before giving her to Larissa, and the two brothers leave.


Larissa pulls Dean into one of the spare rooms and she shuts the door.

"Fucking talk." She orders.

"About what?" Dean asks.

"About how the hell Sam is up and walking right now." Larissa hisses.

"I told you -- miracle." Dean says.

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