13: Family Support

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Aside from their clothes, the guest house was all set. The little second bedroom was empty, but it would be filled in time for the baby. Mexican food was set up in the kitchen, ready for everyone to eat. I ended up inviting my brother and dad over as well. As much as it probably aggravated Dad, I couldn't invite Mom. The last thing Josh or Madi needed was to be exposed to her toxic attitude. I could already imagine the shit Eric would say if he overheard some of the crap my mother liked to say from time to time.

What I wasn't expecting, was for the doorbell to ring just as everyone was settling down with food. It had been a long day, just as I predicted. I was proud of my son for doing the smart thing and exchanging the TV for one that was 32". It was plenty big and looked just fine on the wall in the living room where Eric hung it up for him. I went to the door so everyone else could get into the dinner.

"Gracie," I said with a big smile when I saw Madi's copy standing on the front porch. "I'm glad you could make it. We were just having dinner. Come in."

"Thanks. Dad said I could drive the Buick," she said as her reasoning for coming over. It was obvious she wanted to see her sister just as bad as Madi wanted to see her.

"Well, I can't blame you for wanting to drive that beast." I stepped back to let her inside. "Are you hungry? There's plenty of food here if you are."

"I'm hungry," she nodded. "It smells good in here. Felipe's?"

"Yes, ma'am. Best Mexican food in the great state of Texas." I closed the door behind her when she stepped inside. "We even whipped up some virgin strawberry daiquiris for you guys."

Temperatures were topping out at 105, and it was only June.

"Sounds good, thanks," she smiled.

"Good. Well, come on in, make yourself at home. Shoot, did your dad tell you to bring a swimsuit? I'm sure everyone will end up in the pool at some point. Well, then again I guess you can borrow one of your sister's huh? Doesn't matter. Follow me." I was all over the place. It was either the heat or the beer or both. Hadley would probably say it was Eric's abs messing with me. Of course Hadley was a secret drunk, at least that's what I was going with.

I led Gracie into the kitchen, and got her a plate so she could serve herself. I spotted Madi sitting on the patio with her back to the house so she didn't see Gracie approaching. Eric noticed her, however, and he was happy to see his other offspring had arrived. I knew Madi was going to be happy as all get out to see her sister. The day had gone alright, but I knew having Gracie show up, at least for a little while, would make it that much better for Madi.

"Can I get you something to drink? I've got water, lemonade, sweet tea, a cooler full of sodas outside, and of course..." I pointed to the daiquiris blended up on the counter.

"Lemonade would be good, thank you," she said politely.

I went to the fridge to get the pitcher of lemonade out. I got a glass down from one of the cabinets and put some ice in it before adding the lemonade. Gracie made herself a plate, and I grabbed mine from the counter so I could follow her outside.

"Look what I found," I said as we stepped outside.

Heads turned and Madi jumped up when she saw her sister. Gracie gave a little wave before Madi grasped her sister tightly.

I went around the corner of the house to the outdoor living room. There was no need for a fire, but Dad had one going anyway. We couldn't feel the heat coming off it since it was already so damn hot outside. Dad, Jason and Hadley were sitting together chowing down on the food they'd brought with them.

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