24: Accident

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"What do you think?" I asked Stan as we stood back and admired the Charger. I'd completed it the night before after we closed. It was early on a Friday morning. I was planning to deliver it to the kids on Sunday. The final product was eggplant purple, one of Josh and Madi's favorite colors. All black interior and a black engine block. I wanted to make sure they could transport Audrey so I made sure to install seatbelts in the backseat that were up to modern day code.

"Looks good. The girls'll love it."

"This isn't for the girls, It's for Josh and Madi," I told him. "Josh sold his truck when they found out Madi was pregnant so he could buy something more family friendly. I wanted them to both have a car so... this is it. Gracie gets the Challenger all to herself."

"Well, then Madi will love it."

"Madi's going to shit a brick when I pull up in this thing," I laughed. She wasn't going to think it was safe enough at first. As soon as I explained I made sure it was Audrey safe she would be okay. I hoped. "What scares me is that Josh has been working himself to death for the last few months trying to make sure he can support Madi and the baby. Last I heard he had just over $35,000 saved up."

"Holy shit, really?" Stan looked impressed. "At least she's got a good one helping her raise the kid."

"He is a good kid. She's on the verge of moving home though. Josh works so much she barely sees him. It's strange listening to her adult problems at such a young age." I walked over to the driver side so I could pop the hood. Stan used to work on cars, but he really didn't give a shit about what was under the hood. He generally humored me.

"You mean the dragon lady doesn't entertain her?" he snorted.

"Madi is keeping her distance for some reason. I know she likes Sookie, but I think she's scared to get too close," I said, ignoring the dragon lady comment. Sookie and I had fooled around one other time since our late night drive. We weren't at each other's throats but we weren't exactly friends yet. Part of me felt like Madi didn't want me to be upset with her if she did things with Sookie. I wouldn't have been upset at all.

"Maybe she thinks you'd be mad or something," he suggested. "Or she's worried Grace would be."

"Could be. Those little shits think they know something," I snorted. "About a month ago Sookie made dinner for us. They asked if that fuckin' rumor you started was true and when I denied it, they didn't buy it. They've been trying to find ways to get me and Sookie alone since." It only worked one other time since the night drive in the Stingray.

"I thought you wanted to be alone with her?"

"I'm slowly wearing her down. Sookie isn't the type you can be forceful with."

"Clearly. Maybe you'll share a suite in the old folks home," he joked.

"You know, you're lucky I don't junk punch you more often," I said seriously.

"It's not my fault you're moving slower than molasses."

"It'll be worth it," I shrugged. I dropped the hood and went around to pull the keys from the ignition. As soon as I closed the door my phone started to ring. It was Madi's ringtone. She never called me so early. "Hey, Princess," I answered.

"Daddy?" Madi was sniffling and I could tell she was very upset about something.

"What's wrong, baby?" I didn't like to get calls from my crying daughter. I started walking toward the Buick. If she was calling and upset I was going to wherever she was.

"Josh... Josh..." She started sobbing. The phone transferred hands.

"Josh was in an accident, Dad," Gracie told me. "He's having emergency surgery right now."

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