23: Cruise

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I whisked the gravy that was simmering on the stove. The turkey breast was resting on a cutting board behind me. I had to finish mashing the potatoes, and get the broccoli bake and stuffing out of the oven. My sudden craving for Thanksgiving dinner in the middle of summer took me by surprise. It was a lot of work, but the leftovers would feed the kids a few meals. Plus Madi had let it slip that she missed having her mom's corn pudding, so I had Josh get me the recipe from Gracie.

Eric came out of the bedroom all cleaned up and freshly showered.

"I hope you're hungry," I said. I moved over to the big pot of potatoes that had a stick of butter melting in there while they waited for mashing.

"I'm starving," he answered. "The smell in here isn't helping much. It smells amazing. Need any help?"

"You can take the stuffing and broccoli out of the oven. Oh, or you could get the girls and see if they want to join us."

"I can do both." He grabbed the pot holder sitting on the counter before he walked over to the oven to get the food out. Once he set everything on the counter he patted my ass on his way out of the house to get the girls.

I couldn't even try to rationalize why I'd had sex with him again. It obviously wasn't in the plan. I invited him for dinner because I knew he and Josh had been working hard all day. Even if I wasn't always his biggest fan, I couldn't let him go home to sad leftovers in that art gallery he called a house.

It made me happy to see Eric and his girls come across the lawn. Opie and Thor came in with them, probably sick of being out in the heat when there was air conditioning to soak up.

I got down plates for the four of us and set them on the counter so everyone could serve themselves.

"Eat up, everyone." I pulled the foil off the turkey breast, and reached for the carving utensils so I could cut slices for everyone.

"It smells really good, Sookie," Gracie said as she and her twin approached the kitchen.

"Thank you. There's plenty, so help yourselves." The special pudding was in a covered casserole dish at the end of the counter.

Eric stood back to wait for the girls to eat. As soon as Madi found the corn pudding she burst into tears. She surprised me when she walked over to give me a tight hug. She didn't hug or touch me very often.

"Thank you, Sookie," she sniffled.

"You're welcome, honey." I rubbed her back. Madi never complained about it in front of me, but I knew how much I missed having my mother's support. She was choosing not to give it, so it wasn't nearly the same as what Madi was going through. No way could I ever replace what she had lost, but being a mom myself, I wanted to try to fill the void a little if I could.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry all over you," she said as she pulled back, wiping under her eyes. "There's so many good things today I can't seem to stop. The only thing missing right now is Josh."

I smiled and handed her a napkin.

"Trix cereal commercials made me cry when I was pregnant. I felt so bad for the poor rabbit," I confessed. I understood unexpected outbursts or tears for no apparent reason. "And I'm sure there will be leftovers for Josh. You can make him a plate if you want."

"I probably will," she nodded. She looked back at Eric. "Daddy, are you going to eat?"

"Of course, I'm waiting on you girls to get your food. You too, Sookie."

I let the twins dish up first. They took their plates to the kitchen table. Gracie scooted around on the bench while Madi took a chair. I picked up a plate to start dishing up my own supper. Eric grabbed the remaining plate to do the same.

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