20: Two Steps Back

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I hated shopping and Madi knew it. It didn't matter what I was shopping for, it sucked. There was nothing about it at all that I enjoyed. Madi looking through every single paint color and scrutinizing it wasn't very fun either. I could tell Josh felt the same way.

"What theme are you going with?" I asked Josh as Madi compared two shades of yellow that looked identical to me.

"I don't know yet. I can't decide," she answered. "Sunflower or Goldenrod, Josh?"

"They're the same," he answered.

The scowl on my daughter's face informed him that was the wrong answer.

"Why did you even come? You should have just stayed home and played stupid video games," she said.

I shook my head and said, "Princess, the Goldenrod will dry too dark."

Madi looked closer at the sample and said, "You're probably right. Thank you, Daddy. At least one man in my life gives a shit."

I didn't know if sticking up for Josh would put me on her shit list so I ignored that comment.

"I've been at this paint thing a while," I reminded her. I used to paint the cars when it was Stan and I doing all the work.

"How much paint do you think we need? That bedroom isn't very big." It really was ideal for a nursery.

"Honestly, two gallons would be more than enough. I would feel better going with three to account for possible spills in case Josh and I get sloppy."

"It's your call," Madi said. "What about an accent wall in gray? I could do an elephant theme."

I looked at Josh to see what he thought. If his input was good and I agreed with him maybe Madi would like him again.

He shrugged.

I would have elbowed him but Madi would have noticed.

"I think a light gray would be nice. Maybe on the wall with the window," I suggested.

"Yeah," she agreed. It was obvious she was upset by Josh's lack of interest or input.

"Are you thinking of dark furniture or light?" Distressed white would look good with the light yellow and gray... fuck, I needed to slow down on the HGTV.

Madi arched an eyebrow.

"You need to find a friend without ovaries, Dad," she told me.

"I have Stan," I shrugged.

"What ever happened to the date you went on? Are you seeing her again?"

"Probably not. She looked like a stripper and was not interested in kids." And I left so I could go fuck the woman that may be your mother-in-law one day...

"Well that blows." Madi moved over to the gray paint samples to consider her options.

"Josh, if you want to stay off of her shit list you may want to act like you care," I told him quietly.

"But I don't. The baby won't either," he replied.

"Madi cares. That should be enough to get you involved. Do you plan on letting her do all the work with the baby too?"

"Decorating the nursery has nothing to do with taking care of the baby."

"Right," I sighed. He wasn't coming furniture shopping with us. I wasn't sure if Sookie would care about his attitude about the decorations. I didn't much give a shit either but I cared about Madi so I was going to get involved. "Being involved in this, is being involved with the baby."

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