part : 16

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"Mam are you sure you want to start construction here?", asked the architect from Anika when she came out of the car holding Ansh in her hands. Anika glanced at the broken building and then looked at the architect with a smile. She is feeling nervous and excited right now with the thought of completing his dream. She can't wait to see his reaction too as that will be worth watching. She got goosebumps when she imagined a building here with Ansh's name in it.

"Yes I am sure", Anika said and heard Khanna's voice before she could talk further

"Mam sir is calling me what should I answer? I can't lie", Khanna said and gave his mobile phone to Anika as Shivaay was calling him. Anika knows why Shivaay is calling him so she gave his phone back to him

"If you don't want me to fight and ruin his mood then lie that we are on the way and you will safely drop me", Anika said and started to talk with the architect about work here. She wants everything perfect here so that people would not find any difficulty to come here in future. After talking with the architect for some time Khanna dropped Anika at her house. When Anika reached there she messaged Shivaay that she reached and met with her family.

Gauri and Priyanka, Sahil became very happy to see her. Sahil was the main reason she came here because she don't know if she will be able to meet him again during his holidays or not. Her relationship with Chachi improved too and now she finds Chachi behaving and loving which makes her feel happy. Gauri took Ansh from her arms and went from there, Anika sighed in relief that she can relax for some time. She noticed Priyanka coming there. She wants to ask what happened to her but she also knows that if she asked then Priyanka will doubt Shivaay, which she will not like.  They all talked for some time and then went to thier rooms after dinner. Sahil slept early so Anika came back with Gauri as they are going to sleep in the same room but Anika is not feeling good so she went towards the terrace and started to look at the sky.

She is happy to see her family after a long time but sad too for leaving Shivaay like this. She doesn't want to separate his baby from him for a second too but she needs to spend time with her family too. She couldn't even call Shivaay as the network was out of reach. She is missing his presence already and feels bad for fighting with Shivaay.

After some time Shivaay dipped his feet under water and stared moon and stars. How beautiful they looked and remembered his moments with Anika, he can proudly say his life changed after her arrival. He doesn't know why he always starts to overthink when a part of him knows that Anika loves him. He doesn't want to stop her from anything but he also doesn't want her to leave him and one month is looking very difficult to him. He knew she decided to go there already but still, it is hard for him to accept the same.

He has many dreams regarding his child, he wants to become a good father and give his whole time to his baby. He wants to keep playing with Ansh and wants to bring as many toys as he can. He purchased many clothes for his child and a crib too but today baby is not here. He checked his mobile phone hoping for a new message from Anika but got disappointed to see nothing.

"Just one message that I reached that's it. If she is angry then even I am ", Shivaay thought as he checked this message hours before when he was waiting for her message and now he expected her to wish him good night at least but she didn't. He placed his phone aside but then couldn't control his urge to call her so picked up his mobile phone again.

He was going to message asking the same question when his brothers called him and he went from there. Later he slept after taking medicines with Omru. Omru asked him to spend time with them and distracted Shivaay from Anika's thoughts for a while. In the morning he decided to meet Anika first before going office otherwise he will not be able to concentrate. He wants to know if her misunderstanding is cleared or not.

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