part : 15

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In the evening Anika got ready with her bags to leave today as an architect is also going to come there to meet her. She asked Khanna to arrange an architect yesterday to make a sketch how what Shivaay's industry will look like and she is excited about it. She made Ansh sleep and then went towards the poolside to get peace. She was always scared of water but now she doesn't know when her fear started to fade away. Shivaay always pulls the best in her but today she is a little bit disappointed with him. Why he was hiding about Priyanka from her? Are they lacking in trust? She messaged Shivaay to come home as she don't want to leave without meeting him. She knows how much Shivaay loves her and his presence is her habit too but sometimes we should know how to live alone.

After some time Shivaay entered the room and noticed Anika sitting near the poolside. A smile crept over his face seeing her as that place is very special to them. He went towards her and sat beside Her, he was going to her without making any noise but Anika sensed him and gestured for him to come here. He held Anika's hand in his and intertwined their fingers together, Anika kept quiet as she don't want to fight with him. She wishes they could stay like this forever and she could forget what Dhruv said but she can't.

"Are you fine?", Shivaay asked as he is feeling that Anika is sad by looking at her expressions. Anika kissed his hand tightly first before asking about Priyanka as she knows she is going to miss her man a lot.

"What happened with Priyanka?", Anika asked

"She is fine. What will happen?", Shivaay asked not knowing the hidden meaning of Anika's words. He thinks that Anika doesn't know anything so there is no point in telling her something related to Priyanka's pregnancy.

"Is she pregnant?", Anika asked with a doubt

"She can't... I mean right now she is not but she... I mean that depends upon the couple right?", Shivaay stammered and looked down while replying to Anika as he can't match his eyes with Anika now. He needs to hide this again which hurts him the most. She is a woman who knows everything about him and this place is proof that Anika witnessed everything related to his past and present life. They came to that point where he finds it difficult to hide things from Anika.

"Wrong. You are a liar. Tell me why were you hiding about her from me?", Anika asked. Shivaay looked at her and understood that she knows everything and he can't hide it anymore. He sighed as he don't have to lie now and caressed the back of her hand while replying

"Because she asked me to do so", Shivaay said

"And you did it? Shivaay how can you do this? Don't you know I also deserve to know this? Or you think I am not good enough to be trusted", Anika asked which angered him. How can she talk about trust for such a small matter which is not related to him?

"Anika", Shivaay shouted angrily and stood up as he didn't expect this reply from Anika. He always thinks that Anika is very understanding and will not doubt him but he is hurt now because she breaks his expectations every time

"Think before you speak about trust at least. I know I didn't tell you about her but I have my reason ", Shivaay said raising his voice a little but still keeping patience because he knows how to handle her when she is angry

"Stop shouting because it is your mistake. Then why did you hide? If you would have told me I would have helped without letting Priyanka know but why you will tell me?", Anika asked and turned her face aside. She noticed her mobile phone ringing showing "Khanna Ji " and understood he is outside waiting for her. She declined the call and looked at Shivaay who was glaring at her angrily

"Can't you hear Priyanka asked me to hide it from you", Shivaay said

"And why me? Do you both think I would have leaked this information or something else? ", Anika asked as she felt this when she got to know about this from Dhruv. She knows Shivaay believes her but why they were hiding thier problems from her them? If she knew, she would have tried her best to help Priyanka if given a chance and this fact hurt her

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