part: 25

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"Don't be upset", Shivaay said and caressed her hair Softly, he knows she is sad about the fact he is leaving today but he can't change his decision. His office needs him otherwise he also doesn't like staying alone. He wants to spend time with her and Ansh but work is more important nowadays. His responsibilities are doubled now because Anika gave him his dream.

"And how much amount you have for a loan?", Shivaay asked

"Don't pay the loan, please. That is my gift. If you will help then...", Anika tried to defend herself because she don't want to take his help. When it comes to the money she doesn't want to use his salary because that is his hard work. Shivaay works day and night in company, how can she waste it in the blink of a second?

"Shhh, it's my wish that too for my company", Shivaay interrupted her. Anika stayed quiet for some time because she was feeling peace in his arms, she got her solace back. The way Shivaay was caressing her hair was relaxing her. Shivaay smiled when Anika kissed his chest and looked at him

"Can't you stay?", Anika asked, she knows the answer but still she wants him to change it. Work is important, she knows it but she want Shivaay all for her today which will not be possible if he leaves.

"No otherwise I would have stayed here ", he said and intertwined their fingers. Anika looked at their fingers and then at him. Shivaay held their intertwined fingers near his lips for some time and once he was done he left her hand and held her waist tightly. She closed her eyes tightly to control her tears, she can guess his thinking by looking at his eyes. She knows he is creating memories to remember these when will he go back? She can see the amount of pain that his eyes are trying to hide. Why she didn't notice the pain in his eyes yesterday when he said he will leave?

"Were you serious when you said you are ready to take me and Ansh with you in front of Omru? Before you used to stop me so were you serious?", Anika asked as she decided to go with him now if it is possible. Ansh is grown up and they can take him anywhere.

"Of course I was serious. I don't call you alone because it's not safe", Shivaay said and kissed her forehead. Anika closed her eyes feeling his love, this immense love is her weakness and strength. His hands and his mere presence can make her go weak because her man is very handsome. Anika caressed his cheek and blushed to see her lipstick mark on his cheeks.

"You can proceed", Shivaay said and decreased the distance between thier faces. Anika shivered understanding his intentions and looked down thinking about spending time in a house alone and his happiness when he will get to know she is also going with him. She kissed his cheeks again and then his lips.

"Now pack my bags too as you said. I will come with you", Anika said and broke the hug after ruffling his hair to mess them more

"Thank you so much ", Shivaay thanked her happily and took her in a hug again, Anika smiled and blushed more seeing his happiness which is like the world to her. He is very happy that he doesn't need to stay alone anymore.

"Why are you thanking me? It has my profit too", Anika said with a wink.

"Finally I will get some happiness in that house", Shivaay said. Anika gestured towards his cupboard and went from there. Shivaay started to pack a bag with every needed thing for Anika and Ansh. He packed a few of his dresses too which he left before.

"What happened bhabhi? Why he dragged you?", asked Rudra when Anika came out of thier room hurriedly as she knew if she stayed there for a minute then Shivaay would have stopped her. She need to check on Ansh as she was away from him, she can't stay away from her child for a long time. Also, she needs to make Ansh ready for the journey.

"Nothing. I just told him that I am coming with him so he is packing bags just like he said before ", Anika said and took Ansh in her arms, she started to play with him and tell him that they are going with his father

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