Jin: Yoon?' he whispered as he don't wanna wake the younger kid up. Yoongi looked up to him.

Jin: You can get some rest, I'm here.'

Yoongi shook his head, 'I'm fine here hyung. I don't think I can get some rest in that type of situation anyway.'

Jin nodded, 'Ok. Can you then switched of the main light? It maybe is disturbing him?'

Yoongi nodded and stood up turning the light on, now only the diming purple lights is on in the room. Yoongi didn't go back to sit in his previous place, he stood beside Jin and Jin looked at him.

Jin: You wanna say something?

Yoongi: Yeah.

Jin: Speak.

Yoongi: How much time it will take for him to recover, hyung?'

Jin smiled softly seeing Yoongi's concern, 'He will be alright in two days if he eats, sleeps and takes the medicine properly. No worry, hmm?'

Yoongi hummed. There was a minute of silence until Yoongi broke it again.

Yoongi: Hyung?

Jin: Hmm?' Jin was focusing on changing the wet cloths.

Yoongi: Are you gonna punish Taehyung?'

Jin's hand stopped for a moment. Then he sighed and again started working, 'I don't know Yoongi. I can feel him. He was frustrated by Jungkook's work and it's normal to get angry after all that Kookie done. But, he should be a bit lenient. As we all know very well about Jungkook's fear about needles! He shouldn't beat him that mercilessly even in his vaccine day!'

Yoongi: yeah right. But hyung?

Jin looked at him, and Yoongi scratched his neck, 'Don't be so stern on him, please?'

Jin smiled at him warmly, Yoongi cares his brothers more than he shows, 'I won't. I will just give him a light warning and-

~Jin hyung! Oh- sorry!' Jin's words got cut by Jimin's sudden barging inside the room. He was about to yell but quickly stopped and apologized once he saw Jungkook sleeping.

Both of the elder flinched badly and Jungkook whimpered in his sleep. Jin quickly caressed his hair and made him sleep again.

Jin: It's ok baby...hyung's here. Sleep, hmm?' he whispered near Jungkook's ear and Jungkook went back to deep sleep. Then both the elders turned to Jimin and Yoongi were about snap but Jimin made him shut by his sweaty concern face! Like he is gonna cry anytime! Jin frowned and stood up walking near him.

Jin: Min? what's wrong?' he asked in a worried tone ad Jimin broke into tears hugging Jin. Jin quickly hugged him back and patted his back being amused and shocked.

Yoongi stepped near, 'Hey buddy? Why are you crying? What happened?'

Jin: Jimin-ie? Is Taehyung did something?

Jimin shook his head, 'H-hyung please c-come...P-please-'he hiccupped.

Jin rubbed his back, 'Ok! Ok! I will, but where?'

Jimin breathed in, 'T-Tae....H-he needs y-you...p-please fast-'

And that's enough for Jin. He parted the hug and turned to Yoongi who was having the same reaction as him. Jin calmed his racing heart as much as he can and inhaled.

Jin: Yoon, stay here with Jungkook and keep changing the wet cloth. I need to check Tae, ok?

Yoongi nodded understanding, 'Yes hyung. I will take care here. You should go.'

Jin: Thanks bud. Jimin let's go-



Jin barged inside his room and his heart dropped seeing his younger brother laying on his bed, crawling in to a ball. Crying silently and mumbling something! He ran near to him and understood he is in deep slumber, maybe having any nightmare cause tears are flowing down through his cheeks from his closed eyes and he his mumbling something like 'stop!' or 'Don't, please!' -again and again...

Jin's heart sank seeing the sight in front of him. He quickly sat on the bed and picked the boy to his lap, rubbing his back and tapping his cheek with one hand softly, trying to wake him up_

Jin: Taetae? Bub? Wake up please.....what happened? See it's hyung! Come on open your eyes....

Tae: Please d-don't...S-stop-' he mumbled crying in Jin's hold still in daze and Jin felt so helpless. He looked at Jimin who was standing near him crying more than Taehyung!

Jin: Jimin! Bring me some water, fast!' Jimin nodded and ran to get it.

Jin: Tae, no one is here hurting you...bub wake up please! It's just bad dreams...Please get up! Taehyung-ie...

-Hyung! H-here.' Jimin gave the water and Jin quickly took the glass and sprinted some of the waters on Tae's face, trying to wake him up. And soon it worked! Tae winched and soon opened his eyes with a gasp, like he just pulled out from water!

He looked at Jin with wide yes and took a minute to proses his surroundings. And suddenly he let out a sob, 'H-hyung!'

Jin quickly hugged him mad Tae to bury his face on his neck and rubbed his back gently, "Sssh...you are ok, all is ok here. Hyung is here. Hyung got you ok? Nothing is wrong, ok bub? Breathe baby, breathe-"

It took like eternity to calm the boy down and once he is calmed down and composed, Jin parted the hug and gently wiped his tears.

Jin: love, you ok?

Tae nodded like a baby and sniffed.

Jin: Will you tell me why you got a panic attack all of a sudden?'

Tae looked at Jimin and then slowly looked down. Jimin's heart clenched as he noticed Tae's sadden eyes. Is it for me? Jimin thought sadly and shakily he kneeled in front of him and cupped his face softly.

Jimin: Baby? Are you s-sacred of m-me?' he asked carefully...

Tae stayed silent.

Jimin: Come on buddy! Tell me? If you don't speak how I will know that should I stay or go out from your sight?' he said in cracking voice. Of course it hurts!

Tae slowly looked at his twins and felt Jimin is sad too! He touched Jimin's hand on his cheek and gulped down his crying.

Tae: H-hyung...

Jimin: Yes bud?' he looked at him with teary eyes.

Tae: I-.....




[Do you like my writing style or should I change it?]

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