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Levi's pov:

I sighed as I pulled out the injection from the box.

"I can't believe we have to turn the commander into a titan." Armin whimpered.

Why does this feel wrong? This isn't how it went.

I grabbed Erwin's arm, injecting the titan 'fluid' into his arm. "Everyone go over to the other roof!" I yelled, making sure they all moved away.

It wasn't long before he turned into a titan, I quickly moved out of the way leaving Bertolt there.

We all stood their and watched as Bertolt was picked up, his screaming echoing through my ears. I kept my emotionless face, averting my eyes to look at something else, anything else.

Everything quickly went black, though I don't feel asleep or knocked out.

I quickly turned around, looking in all directions, quickly losing where I was facing to begin with.

It wasn't long till everything came back, we were all standing around the now fallen titan, Erwin. Though the top half of his body was sitting up I couldn't make out his face, simply just a blur.

I squinted my eyes, even walking closer yet I just couldn't see anything but a blur over his face.

This isn't what happened.

And in one blink, it was all gone.

Failed mission, Successfully. (ErwinXLevi)Where stories live. Discover now