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Levi pov:

-mention of SH and Death

It wasn't long till they left for Stohess District, leaving things around here mostly empty. Practically just Erwin and I.

I sighed leaning back in the couch that sits by Erwin's desk. I wonder where he even is. Most likely commanding someone around.

I close my eyes, my arms resting behind my head. I'm slightly startled when Erwin's door is swung open, making me open my eyes to look in that direction.

"Levi." Erwin walked towards me till he was practically towering over me. It made me feel small, I didn't like it.

I simply tilted my head up to look into his eyes, the eyes I could get lost in for hours.

"Why?" His voice was just above a whisper, and I had just realized the tears pooling within his eyes. Why does this man's pain hurt me so much?

"What do you mean." I spoke softly, I meant for it to be harsher but I suppose it's better like this. I don't want Erwin to be in pain. If I could take all his pain, I would.

"You know.." He trailed off, averting eye contact before standing up straight. He sighed as he sat down in his chair, his elbows on his desk and his face in his hands.

"What's wrong, Erwin?" I couldn't help but let my pain for him slip into my voice. God, What is wrong with me?

"Why—-Why would you harm yourself, Levi?" His voice was loud but in a slightly higher pitch, telling me he was probably crying into his hands, either that or getting close.

At this moment it was as if all the butterflies in my stomach dropped dead, cut through my organs to leave me to bleed out. As dramatic as I could make this sound, it truly is how I felt in the moment. Tears forming in my eyes, refusing to fall. He sounded as I let him down, though i'm sure I did, his disappointment hurts more than any other pain.

"I.." I tried to speak, hoping to push words out of my mouth. I took a deep breath, trying again. "I.." Still, nothing. I shut my eyes tightly, forcing the pool of tears to fall down my cheeks. "I backslid, okay." I whisper, forcing my voice out, it was soft but still there.

"Backslid? As in this wouldn't be your first time?" Erwin's head raised, his eyes staring into mine making me want to cower away. I know he doesn't know how hard it is to say this stuff, but I've never told anyone.

Erwin's nose was slightly red, if he was crying he must of wiped the teardrops away. I finally avert my gaze, turning my head. I couldn't bare his disappointed face. At this point I couldn't even read the mans' facial expressions.

"Levi.." He spoke softly, I waited for words to follow yet it stayed silent. "I'm not mad." Shortly, yet felt like forever, followed after the pause.

I couldn't help but stifle a sob, why is this so hard? I don't want to cry. Not in-front of this man. I bit my lip, blood leaking into my mouth. Damnit. I can't cry, not over something like this.

"Humanity's strongest soldier"

Why do these words always find their way into my head? Always in the worst of moments.

"Levi?" Erwin's voice pulling me from my thoughts, the taller man was now kneeling in front of me. He held my face with both hands, the blood from my lip slowly trailing down my chin before Erwin wiped it with his thumb. He quickly grabbed a tissue, pressing it against my bleeding lip.

For what possible reason, would this man, Erwin Smith, care for me? I gazed into his eyes that seemed focused on my bleeding lip as he tries to stop the bleeding. They practically shine, he's just so perfect. Me? I grew up in the underground, a father who couldn't stay around and a mother who just couldn't do enough. I do love my mother, I always will, she tried her best and sometimes that just isn't enough.

Kenny.. My mind drifting through everyone in my life, one by one. Kenny, he wanted a soldier. We both wanted such different things, I tried to pretend he was my father, yet I was just a soldier to him. Truly, I guess we both were left disappointed.

"Darling?" I blinked a few times to snap out of my thoughts, Erwin's eyes staring up at me. "You're okay. Everything is okay." He whispered. Though it was comforting, I believe he was saying it to himself more than to me.

"Nothing is okay, Erwin. Everyone is dead." My voice was harsh, it was the truth, right?

"Yes, but you, Levi, are okay. You are breathing and as long as you're breathing, I can breathe." My facial expression dropped, fully taking in his words as my eyes scanned his face. His cheeks had a slight blush to them, his lips curved slightly upwards.

"Erwin.." I stared into his eyes, something in my heart fluttering. That attachment aching and biting at me. "I promise, I will always protect you. You die, I die." My eyes slightly narrowed, filled with determination.

Erwin simply chuckled, shaking his head in disapproval. "If I die, Levi.." before he could finish, I cut him off. "You won't die." My eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Shh.. If I die, Levi. I want you to fulfill my dream. I need you to keep fighting for me. Humanity needs you." His hands wrapped around mine, bringing a sense of warmth through such a sad conversation.

"No one is dying.." I muttered softly.

"Levi, One day.." Erwin started before I snapped "No. You're not fucking dying. Not on my watch, Smith."

"I promise, I won't die on you, Levi. I will always fight for you." Erwin's gazed locked with mine, his eyes glistening as he spoke. A soft smile spread across his face as he spoke.

I'd be okay living out my days with this man. Waking up next to those eyes every morning.

Failed mission, Successfully. (ErwinXLevi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora