185 3 14

Levi's pov:

I strutted behind Erwin and Hange as we walked down to the basement cellars. Hange squealing and rambling as Erwin just smiled at her. I narrowed my eyes softly, staring up at Erwin, who's gaze was too focused on Hange to notice.

He has a nice jawline.. God, his smile is..

Fuck. I shook my head lightly looking down at the ground.

"ERENNN" Hange squealed running into the bars that separated the two.

I leaned against the wall, zoning out to ignore whatever they were going to go on about.


"Captain." I tilted my head up to see Petra infront of me, saluting.

"Yes?" I sighed, praying it was nothing important.

"You like Erwin, Right?" I raised an eyebrow, opening my eyes again to look her in the eyes.

"Of course I like Erwin, it's part of my job not to." I lied, rolling my eyes. The man was a annoyance. Such a wr-


"Levi!" I opened my eyes to Erwin, Eren and Hange all staring at me. The fuck? I made that whole thing up? I shook the thought off. "Yes sir?" I questioned, looking up at Erwin.

"You weren't responding. Looked like you died standing up." He responded blandly. "Let me walk you to your room."

"I'm good. Walk Hange or something." Before I could hear much protests I walked out, heading upstairs.

God, Erwin really can be annoying. I was stopped in my tracks by a woman slightly shorter than me. Shoulder length light ginger hair, almost blonde looking, her bangs usually kept to the left side of her face. Her amber eyes practically sparkled.

"Captain." She spoke softly yet not in a scared way.

"Yes, Petra?" I sigh softly, looking behind her to see the rest of the squad, Eld, Oluo, and Gunther.

"Eat with us." Eld chimed in. Petra quickly glaring back at him, softening her look when turning back towards me, "Please." She finished for the taller man.

I sigh feeling bad to refuse such people. "Fine." Their faces all lit up as they dragged me down to the table. They didn't need to know Mike, Hange and Giraffe took me out for breakfast already. Besides it was almost lunch.

I sat next to Petra, simply because she insisted. They all laughed and joked around, sipping on wine.

"You want some Captain'?" Gunther smiled holding some out to me, his hand quickly getting slapped by Petra.

"Don't be silly! He doesn't like wine." Despite the slap, her words were still said softly and sweet. I couldn't see her ever being a necessarily mean person.

"It's not that I hate it, I just prefer tea. Especially on the fact i'm always working." I say softly, loud enough for them to hear. My eyebrows low in annoyance.

"Don't you sleep??" Oulo joked making Eld laugh with him. I quickly glared at the two men yet they continued to laugh, I rolled my eyes sipping the tea Petra had sat down infront of me.

"Excuse their behavior, Levi. They must be drunk." She smiled softly at me, A soft pink dusting over her cheeks.

I raised an eyebrow for a second before dropping it. "It's fine." I stood up from the table, "I'm going to do some paperwork. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my office." With that, I left the room.

I swiftly close the door, sighing softly. We have a stupid mission tomorrow. "Tsk." I scoff looking at the pile of paperwork. I should be thankful, Erwin's is probably 10x worse.

I shook my head lightly, What the hell. He chose the job. He deserves a living hell. Even if he has nice eyes and a nice smile..

My eyes shot to my door hearing a triple knock.

"It's open, come in." I say just loud enough for the person on the otherside to hear.

"Levi." I glare up into Erwin's eyes, our eyes had meant as soon as he was visible. He chuckled softly, "What is up with your hatred?" he teased, shutting the door.

"Tch. What do you need?" I say continuing to glare up at him through my bangs that slightly covered my eyes from the way I had my head tilted down.

"To remind you about the mission tomorrow. It'll just be Hange squad, Levi squad and myself, along with a few cadets further in training." He went on mumbling about the mission. It was almost like he wanted to stay in here and talk. He was rambling like Hange when someone says 'Titan'.

I rolled my eyes, Sipping my tea as he goes on about formation and stuff you'd tell cadets in training. Though, he's sorta cute. The way he smiles even when talking about such dreadful things, lightens it up more or less.

"Levi? are you listening?" Erwin questioned, finally stopping what he was saying to notice my head reasting on my palm, looking up at him.

"Yeah." I mumble softly.

"We can talk tomorrow, you seem quite tired. Do get some sleep, Levi." With that, Erwin was gone in the click of the door; couldn't of even protested to get him to stay.

I raise an eyebrow looking at the clock on the wall. 10:30am. The fuck. Did he just tell me to get some sleep when its not even the middle of the day yet?

I scoffed, Not like i'd listen to him regardless.


I yawned, rubbing my eyes. How long have I been sitting here? I glance at the clock, 5:40pm.

"Tsk." I shook my head softly, Standing up. I can't believe i've been doing paperwork that long.

I look down at my desk to see almost the same amount of papers there were earlier, still in the same neat stack.

"Must of zoned out.."

I walk out of my room, looking down the hall. "LEVI!" I quickly turn to be met with Hange in my arms.

"Tsk, get off of me shitty glasses." I try to push them off but they just happily smile, holding me tighter.

"Hange." The pairs eyes slowly moved to look behind them to see Erwin standing infront of his room. His nose was slightly wrinkled, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Yess?" She smiles, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Erwin softly rolled his eyes making me raise an eyebrow sightly. "I need Levi," there was a pause before he added, "in my office." he hissed, showing little to no emotion. That's almost.. not like Erwin.

Hange let go of me, standing up straight, patting my shoulder. "You can have him!" She smiled brightly, turning around to go to her room.

What did she even need to begin with?

"Levi. My office." Was all he said before walking back into his room, which really was his office since he always was in his office when the two were separated.

I slowly walked down the hall, rolling my eyes as I slowly creaked open the tall wooden door.

Failed mission, Successfully. (ErwinXLevi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora