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Levi's pov:

I mentally cursed myself for saying that. All I do is burden him, show hatred and resentment towards him, and I have to go and say those three words. The three words that mentally stab me.

"I know, Levi." Erwin whispered in my ear.

I roughly swallowed, closing my eyes tightly. That's all he is going to say? 'I know'? That's it?!

We lay in silence as I scold myself for even thinking those three words. Well, saying them even more. I've always thought it but decided against it. I mean, love? God, cliché.

"I know you're asleep by now.." Erwin's voice spoke softly, I tried to stay as still as possible. Trying to keep my breathing pattern from breaking. "I love you too, Levi. I always have." Erwin's voice was soft, yet sounded as if he was struggling to keep it from faltering.

I felt my heart ache, but my stomach fluttered, filling to the brim of butterflies, yet those butterflies were just going up my throat. The same butterflies who slice my heart with their wings.

Erwin's arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me against his chest as he laid his chin on-top of my head. His legs tangled in mine.

I sighed softly, almost like letting the butterfly free. Though I hate to even think about relying on another human, his touch instantly makes my muscles relax, all my worries and stress fade away.

His warmth made my heart feel warm, he was like a fireplace for my heart. No matter how upset, or in this case cold, his touch, flames, warmed me.

Everything about this man was perfect, the way he held me, his perfect blonde hair, his icy blue eyes, and his perfect jawline. Not only were his looks perfect, his personality was even better. Two words I'd use to describe Erwin Smith, Golden Retriever.
(A/n: Even though they probs don't know wtf a golden retriever is. They do now.)

I sighed, stopping my train of thought, letting myself fall into a deep sleep.


I opened my eyes, yawning, small tears at the corner of my eyes. I turned my head, Erwin still laying sound asleep behind me.

I squirmed and struggled for a few seconds before I could turn my body around to face the taller man.

I rested my hand underneath my head as I stared at the sleeping male. He always looked calm while awake, yet seeing him asleep.. showed a different kind of calm. His eyebrows where less furrowed and his face had no visible wrinkles. He made the world seem okay.

One of Erwin's eyes peeked open, staring directly back at me. "You just gonna keep watching me sleep?" He chuckled lowly, making me blush and avert eye contact, moving my head away.

His hand wrapped around my cheek, forcing my head back towards him. "You're so handsome, Levi Ackerman." I couldn't stop my heart from fluttering at Erwin's words. The guy I was supposed to hate most, being the love of my life. What a kick in the ass.

"Oh shut up." I spoke harshly, yet couldn't help the obvious blush painting across my cheeks. Erwin simply smiled at me, my stomach doing flips for his smile. He should smile more.

"Woah.." Erwin's eyes filled with admiration, making me look to him in confusion before realizing I let myself smile.. yet again. "Tsk." I rolled my eyes, shoving my head into Erwin's chest. His chuckle vibrating through my body.

I couldn't help but smile to myself to hearing him laugh again.

"You want to go eat lunch, sleepyhead?" Erwin chuckled, this man really makes himself laugh a bunch.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes, pushing myself off the bed as I strolled over to grab clean clothes. I always kept extra in Erwin's room, weird, yet I do.

I snatched up my uniform and went into the bathroom to change, giving Erwin the chance to change in the bedroom.

I quickly dressed, struggling with the straps for a minute or two. I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror, tugging my sleeves down to hide the bandages on my arms.

I splashed some water on my face, slightly fixing my hair till I was content with my appearance. Well, till I just gave up.

I turned out the light, walking out of the bathroom to Erwin patiently waiting for me, book open in his hand as he's leaning on the doorway.

I couldn't help but admire his beauty. This man could never know how much I love him.

I cringed at my own words as soon as I thought about Isabel and Furlan. Maybe they are the only thing holding me back from Erwin. What would they say if I told them? Would they be happy?

I scoffed, taking Erwin's book before quickly walking out of the room. It wasn't long before Erwin was angrily walking out after me. I snickered as I quickly ran down the hall and into the kitchen, lunch room. I sat down where Hange and Mike were. Their chatter quickly stopping, though it was really just Hange talking, when Erwin stomped in after me.

"The book. Levi." His eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he held the classic angry dad face, his arms were crossed over his chest.

I smiled at him, which his face quite immediately lose all sight of anger, before I handed him his book.

"LEVII! YOU SMILEDD" Hange squealed, shaking Mike. God, Mike deals with too much.

"I'm so glad I have to go on a mission today." Mike muttered softly, though I think everyone heard.

"That's right! I almost forgot Mike squad is going to be investigating any of the 104th recruits for any possible accomplices to Annie!" Hange smiled brightly, simply showing off she knew all the details.

"I almost forgot too, I was so focused on making sure everyone was ready for the second attempt of capturing the Female Titan." I said blandly, scoffing.

"And hopefully the last attempt." Erwin chuckled lightly, still he was very serious. We lost so many lives to her.

"I wish you luck Mike. Be safe." I stared into his eyes, I can't lose someone else. No, I just don't want to.

"Will do." With that Mike stood up, leaving Hange, Erwin and I.

"Soo.. Coffee?" Hange smiled brightly, offering us both a cup.

Failed mission, Successfully. (ErwinXLevi)Where stories live. Discover now