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Levi's pov:

I walk into Erwin's office, Sighing as I push open the door to enter. I look up to see a women, slightly taller than me. She had more of a slim build, with short dark hair with bangs.

"Levi?" I broke my stare from the women moving it up to Erwin. "Yes? You needed me?" My jaw tightening slightly.

"Nifa, you may leave." Erwin smiled softly to the women. Nifa! Ah, She's in Hange's squad, I believe.

I noticed a soft blush on her face as she nodded to Erwin, quickly leaving, and shutting the door.

"Tsk. What, old man?" I look up at the taller man as he leans on his desk.

"The expedition, With Hange squad." I raised an eyebrow as I waited for him to continue, "I was planning to come with you-" I furrowed my brows, scoffing.

"No way, There's no need to have you there. You're the commander not a soldier, Erwin." I say sternly.

Erwin sighed, Looking down, a few strands of his hair falling in front of his eyes. "Levi." It was soft but stern. I dropped my head, looking down at my boots. "You have no right to even begin to say that to me. I am your-" Erwin started, raising his voice.

I closed my eyes keeping my head down, drowning out most of what he was saying. I shoved my hands into my pockets, my bangs falling in front of my eyes. He's right. I should've just said okay. Even still I forced that suggestion on him.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by a strong grip around my chin, pushing my head up to meet Erwin's gaze.

"Levi. Are you even listening to me!?" Erwin practically yelled in my face, slightly bent down as his hand holds my chin up.

"Tsk, Yeah. Let go, would' ya?" I scoffed, furrowing my eyebrows, pushing away any blush or thoughts that could possibly come up in my head.

He sighed, lowering his hand, straightening his posture. I winced slightly at how hard he was gripping my face, the pain slightly lingering.

"Get me a cup of coffee, please?" He said softly yet looked so serious and stern.

"I'm not your slave." I retorted.

"It's an order, Levi. Obey." His jaw tightened, his lips slightly curled inwards.

I scoffed, walking out of his room down to the kitchen. I can't really not listen to him. I quickly started making his coffee, my mind wandering back to Nifa.

What was she even doing in there? I furrowed my brows slightly thinking about the blush on her face when she was looking at Erwin. "Tsk." I rolled my eyes grabbing the hot cup of coffee.

I started to walk back, my head raising to see Nifa enter his room, just as I had turned the corner to be at the top of the stairs. I mentally cursed as I picked up my pace, walking to Erwin's door.

I softly knocked on his door.

No answer.


Fucking prick.

I knock a little harder. A small "One minute" could be heard from the other side of the door.

I leaned against the wall, right by his doorframe. The cup of coffee keeping my hands warm as I let my eyes close, the dying need for sleep overtaking me.

I quickly opened my eyes at his door being swung open, Nifa, walking out with flushed cheeks. Her eyes slightly widening when she saw me, quickly saluting, "Captain Levi." She said quickly before leaving.


I brushed it off, walking inside the open doorway. Erwin looked completely calm and collected as he looked over his papers. I placed the coffee cup down ontop of the paper he was reading.

"Thanks, Levi." He sighed in annoyance, shooing me out with his hand that was holding his quill.

I turned around and left, shutting the door. I don't want to be with an asshole for that long anyways, glad he kicked me out.

Failed mission, Successfully. (ErwinXLevi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat