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Levi's POV:

I groan as I turn over in my bed. I can't even remember the last time i've got decent sleep. I groaned again in annoyance, this was a constant occurrence.

Eventually, I pushed myself to get up, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. I lightly rubbed my eyes, causing slight pain. I pushed myself to get up as to start my day. Pulling my covers up and tucking them under the mattress and pillows.

I sigh glancing over to my desk, "Fucking hell.." I muttered, seeing the empty teacup I hadn't cleaned the day before. I look over to the clock reading, 4:35 am.

"That means the Cadets should be getting up soon.."

I grab the teacup, quietly making my way out of my room and down the hallway. Really the only people on this floor would be, Erwin, The Commander. Then, Hange, Squad leader of Hange squad. Finally, Mike, Section Commander of the Survey Corps and commander of Squad Mike.

I walked down to the kitchen, not fancy in the slightest, almost looks rundown. The kitchen was on the lower floor underneath our rooms next to the messhall. The surrounding buildings for the cadets and what not.

I rinsed the teacup thoroughly, the hot water leaving my hands with a soft sting. I grabbed a tea-kettle, filling it with the warm water before placing it down on the stove, turning it on high.

I set the teacup down onto the counter, placing a teabag inside while I wait for the water. I yawned softly, leaning against the counter.

"LEVIII!" I practically jumped, my eyes widening, jumping into a defensive position. I sighed in relief seeing the slightly taller, dark brown haired girl speed walking over in excitement. I lean on the counter again, my face falling to a blank expression again.

She looked like she could practically explode. I put my hand on her face when she went in for a hug. "Tsk. I thought you were an intruder." I scolded blandly.

Hange simply shrugged, standing up straight. "Do you know what's happening today?!" The woman's eyes lighting up, overjoyed.

I sighed thinking for a second, before given the chance to think of anything, she continued, "I get to talk to Eren!" She yelled, jumping up and down.

"You're going to wake up the Commander." I sighed, rubbing my forehead. As much as I would say she annoys me, I like talking to her.

"It's about time for that old man to get up. It's practically 5!" She whined, slumping over.

The screech of the tea-kettle pulling the two of us out of our conversation. I walked over, rather quickly, pulling it up off the stove, turning the stove off. I poured the hot water into the teacup I had set out with the teabag earlier.

"Oo! Can I have some teaa?" Hange leaned on my shoulder to look at what I was doing. I simply shoved her face off of me, rubbing my hand on my pants, who knew when the last time she showered was.

I could hear her pouting behind me before a louder deep voice called out, "Hange? Levi?"

I turned around to Erwin standing before us, He looked tired and..-

"Erwinnn!" Hange practically squealed running over to the taller male. "I get to talk to Erenn! A titan!" Hange smiled, small blush coming on her face.

God, That woman is in love with titans. It is creepy. I shook off the thought. "Commander." I greated, holding a straight face, picking up my teacup by the top.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" He sighed, looking down at Hange, snapping her out of her ramble about Eren's titan form.

"Sir, It's not that early. You're usually up at 5, and or 4." Hange corrected, smiling softly.

"Yes. You two are usually not out though." He commented, squinting his eyes slightly, glaring into mine.

"I wanted tea." I said calmly, walking over to the taller pair.

"Guys, Would you all shut the hell up." A loud voice groaned behind us making Erwin turn around. Erwin's glare made the taller man quickly quiet down. "My apologies, Commander. I thought it was simply Hange and Levi." Mike stated camly, Saluting.

Erwin nodded his head softly turning back to Hange and I. "How about we all go get breakfast together?" Erwin offered with a small smile.

I narrowed my eyes, staring up at the taller male. Hange wrapped an arm around my shoulder, my nose wrinkling slightly in disgust. "We would love to! Right Mike, Levi?" She asked after practically saying we would go.

I rolled my eyes pushing her arm off of me. "Fine." I sighed walking towards my room before peering back at the three, "You better all get cleaned up and ready to go in 10." I scoffed, walking all the way to my room.


I sipped the warm tea, Mike and Erwin sitting across from me while Hange sat by my side.

"Sooo" Hange started, making me sigh softly. "Erwin! Any plans for today?" I slightly glanced at Hange before looking to Erwin.

He smiled softly setting his cup down, "Tons of paperwork, Hange. Levi and I will accompany you when you see Eren."

"I will?" I furrowed my brows slightly. "Yes." The way he said it sounded more like a demand making me just look down at my tea.

"I've gone alone before, Why not now?" She pouted softly, quickly stopping when Erwin sighed.

"He could turn into a titan any second." Erwin said plainly, I could tell he was way done with that conversation.

We all sat silently, Mike and Erwin softly talking every now and then.


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