154 5 38

Levi's pov:

Step on me - The Cardigans <3


Hange had moved me to my tent, we really should only be here for the rest of today before we ride back. We've already been here for three days.

I sigh, pushing myself up, wincing at the pain. "Fucking hell.." I groaned, my voice hoarse.

I grabbed the small water bottle by my 'bed', sighing in defeat when it was empty.

I closed my eyes for a minute before pushing my body to my feet, my whole body screaming at me as I keep myself standing, pain shooting through my body till I got used to the standing.

I opened my eyes trying to calm the dizzy feeling around me.

"Okay. That was the hard part, right?"

I open my tent, walking out. My vision going in and out from the pain, white stars coming and going.

"Captain?" I moved my head towards the voice to see Petra running over to my side. I groaned as she put my arm over her shoulder and her arm over mine as support.

"Thanks." I mumbled, I'm not sure which one hurts more but i'll take it. "I just need water." I said, just above a whisper.

"Sure! Come on" She smiled as we started walking. I bit my lip to stop myself from making any noise of indicating pain.

My eyes drifted to the side, Erwin bent down just slightly, his lips pressed against Nifa's, who was slightly on her tiptoes.

"Captain?" I looked away, locking eyes with Petra. "Mhm.?" I didn't put much effort into the response, processing what I saw.

Petra broke eye contact, Her face going into a darker shade of pink.

I put my head down, looking at my shoes, it wasn't long till we got to the middle, where we kept all our supplies. It was less likely for a titan to get in this far before one of us killed it, therefore the best spot for it all.

Petra helped me sit down on one of the benches we had. I couldn't help but groan at the pain of sitting, it felt like my ribs just wanted to keep stabbing me.

I fiddled with my fingers till Petra placed a small metal cup in front of me, filled with water.

"Thank you, Petra." I thanked her, nodding softly.

I held the cup with two hands, one on either side as I took a sip, setting it down again.

"Levi!" I turned my head to see Oulo and Gunther running over, Oulo having the biggest smile on his face as he sat beside me. Gunther sat down across from me with Petra.

"Are you feeling any better? Does it hurt? Have you been eating enough?" Oulo kept going on and on with questions. My mind couldn't help but drift back to Erwin and Nifa kissing.

It's not that I care. I just.. didn't know they were a thing. Why am I even thinking of it then. I mentally cursed myself, shaking my head.

"I'm fine, Oulo." I answered quickly, talking over his many questions.

"When do you think you'll be fully okay?" Petra asked softly, fiddling with a strand of her hair.

I thought for a second, "Well, I am walking. I could probably ride my horse back.." I cringed at the thought of the pain from the constant movement, not that anywhere else I go would be better. "I might be completely better in a week."

Failed mission, Successfully. (ErwinXLevi)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ