Chapter 27: Taken

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I cuddled more into whatever I was sleeping on enjoying the warmth that surrounded me, my head was killing me at this point and I needed water

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I cuddled more into whatever I was sleeping on enjoying the warmth that surrounded me, my head was killing me at this point and I needed water. Groaning I tried getting up but something heavy was resting on my waist keeping me in place.

Opening one eye to peek at my surroundings I let out a scream seeing that I was on top of a shirtless Noah peacefully sleeping, well he was a few seconds ago. Noah basically threw me off the bed in shock.

Spreading out my body on the cold floor I placed my forehead on the tiles feeling the headache lessening but my peace got interrupted by Noah who was currently looking at me while lying in bed.

"What are you doing?"

Ignoring his question I kept rolling around on the cold floor hoping to feel better but my body ached inside and out.

"I'm dying" I groaned closing my eyes while laying on my back.

"You're not dying...yet" Noah stated picking me up. I tried getting away but he only held on tighter and carried me to his office. "Your locking me in again aren't you?" he nodded not looking at me and I knew what was happening in an instant.

"You know about the cocaine don't you" I mumbled giving up on getting out of his hold.

"And the weed" he added.

I placed my head on his shoulder not in the mood to fight him on this I knew he would find out one way or another it was bound to happen. He locked the door with his fingerprint thingy and sat me down on the chair in front of his desk while he sat down behind it opening his laptop not saying anything else.

After a while I got irritated at the silence in the room, I felt like a teenager who got caught smoking in the school's bathroom and waiting for her punishment. "I would like to remind you that I'm a grown-ass woman and I'm allowed to do some minor drugs when I want to" I proudly informed him trying to get this over with but he only gave me a stern look telling me to shut up so I did. He kept typing something while looking at papers beside him and I got bored just watching him so I decided to look around his office.

I read all the book titles he had on the bookshelf and I also tipped each one of them trying to find his dark and creepy hidden room like people find in the movies, but I got nothing. Next was his desk, I opened each drawer seeing that it was only filled with more paperwork and files so I scanned the names and when I read mine Noah slammed the drawer shut before I could open it "being nosey doesn't suit you" he remarked locking the drawer and pushing me to my previous seat. "My name is on the folder Noah so I believe everything in there is about me thus meaning I'm not being nosey I'm being interested in myself".

Noah scoffed at my little argument and went back to his work leaving me in silence yet again.

"Okay, enough can you please just yell at me and get it over with I'm hungry, sleepy and my head hurts I've not been mad at you for placing me in your bed and holding me while I was sleeping so the least you could do is getting this lecture over with so I could go back to bed" I rambled on without even noticing if he was listening to me or not.

1. One last cigarette Where stories live. Discover now