Jay (제이)

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Y/n pov

I am on my way going to my boyfriend's house since he just call me to come over. So, I have nothing to do at home, I decide go to his house instead of staying at home alone, since my parents visit to our hometown.

 So, I have nothing to do at home, I decide go to his house instead of staying at home alone, since my parents visit to our hometown

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This is what I wear right now.

After a few minutes of walking through the street, I finally arrived at his house.

I rang his bell and waiting for him to open the door. Then, I don't have to wait for a long time, he opened the door with a bright smile on his face.

"Welcome, bae!"

He said as open his arms for me to hug. I smile back and hug him tightly.

"I miss you!"

"Miss you too!"

I replied him back. He then pulled away and we both stare at each other.

Well, he is Jay Park, my sweet and lovely boyfriend that I never had before. It's really nice to have him in my life because he could do anything for you although I didn't told him to do it.

"So, how's your day?"

He asked me when we both walk inside the house after he close the door. Well, the door automatically lock by itself. So no worries.

"Nothing special."

I said before put my handbag on the coffee table.

"Oh yeah?"

He asked me again and sit beside me when I'm sitting on the couch right now. He staring at me with his sweet smile. How can I didn't melt with that smile?

"Aish! You should stop with that smile."

I rolled my eyes playfully and smile after that. He then look at me with his eyebrows lifted.

"Why? You don't like my smile?"

He asked coldly after that. Aish. His mood always changed although I was kidding right now.

"Aiii... Of course I love it! It's just making my heart beating fastly everytime I see your sweet smile."

I said and acting like I was shy with him because of his smile that was appeared again.

"Then, I should smile always to make you flustered."

He smirked after that. Again, I rolled my eyes and we both laughed.

"So, have anything to do since I was here?"

I asked him while crossing my arms on my chest and look at him.

"Wanna watch movie or baking?"

He asked making me look at him excitedly.


I always want that happen because I never do it before. Since, he scared that his kitchen would be on fire if I do. Just like my mom and dad. They scare that I might burn their kitchen.

"Yeah. I know that you want to do it."

I smile happily after that before pull him into a hug.

"Ahhhh thank you, babe! This make me love you more!"

I said excitedly. He hugged me back.

"I love you too! Now let's go. We should start baking, so we can cuddled after this."

He said as he take my hand and pull with him to the kitchen. Yes. I'm going to enjoy my time baking right away now! HAHA


Time skip

I'm wiping my sweat after done put the cupcakes in the oven. Yes. We make cupcakes. And it's not that easy for the newbie like me.

"Are you okey?"

He asked as he give me a glass of water. I smile at him and take it before drank. After that, put it on the table back.

"It's fun!"

I said while smiling brightly.

"Of course it's fun. Because you do it with me."

He said while winking at me. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You should wait at the living room. After the cupcakes done, I will tell you to take it out since you really want do it right?"

"Yeahie! Okey Jayyie!"

I jumped and hug him before give him a peck on the cheeks. He smile. Then, I run away to the living room. Now, I can rest my eyes for a while.


Jay pov

The cupcakes are done and I'm on way go to the living room when I saw Y/n who was laying on the couch right now. Don't tell me that she is sleep right now? I shook my head before walk towards her.

Just like I expect it, yes, she is sleeping right now. I shook my head while smiling. I bend down to her level. I'm feel guilty to wake her up since she was too tired because of walking from her house to mine, and baking after that, didn't have a rest. Poor my girl.
I smile before give a sweet peck on her cheeks. I go to my room to take a blanket before come back to living room. I tugged Y/n with the blanket that I brought just now.

"Sweet dreams."

I said. I give her a last peck on the forehead before walk to the kitchen to take out the cupcakes.


Y/n pov

I woke up from my sleep and realised that my head on Jay's laps.

"Are you awake already?"

He asked as he look down at me. I smile after seeing his beautiful face. I stretch my body although my head still on his laps. And I just remember about something.

"Is the cupcakes already done?"

I asked him as I look at him. He nodded.

"Don't worry, the cupcakes already done."

I pouted after heard. I want to do something on that cupcakes. But, looks like it's done.

"Eyyy, what's with that pouted?"

He asked while pinched my cheek softly.

"Why you didn't woke me up?"

I asked him. He chuckled.

"You look so tired. So, I decide to take it out with myself."

He said making me pouted more. He chuckled again. But, smile after that. I raise my hands to touch his cheeks and smile. He staring at me into my eyes just like how I did.

"I'm so lucky to have you, babe."

I said.

"Me too."

He replied. And after that, he lean down and our lips connected.

The end!

Imagine And Oneshot // Enhypen (엔하이븐) ♥Where stories live. Discover now