Jay (제이) - Treat You Better

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Jay pov

I was staring at the girl who was sitting alone at the front row, while me at the last row in our class. Her name is Lee Y/n. She is a quiet girl in our class, also top 3 in our school. Everyone wants to be her boyfriend, included me. Well, I already admire her since we were 6th grade. But, she's already have a boyfriend at that time till now. Although I already try, I still can't move on from her. It's really hard for me.

"Hey, Jay!"

I snapped out as someone calling my name. I turn beside me and saw my bestfriend, Jake already look at me frowned.


I asked him rolled my eyes annoyingly.

"You literally staring at her for hours now."

"So what?"

I asked him, didn't care about what he said.

"Just stop already. She's already have a boyfriend."

"Yeah and does also not mean that she have a husband."

I said sarcastically before stare at her again when suddenly someone standing infront of her. It's her boyfriend. Y/n look up and smile as she saw her boyfriend who was standing infront of her right now.

I wish that I be that lucky boy.

But, my wish stop after see how cold the boy face was.

"Met me at the rooftop today."

Her boyfriend said coldly before leave her dumbfounded, watching him walk out from our class.

"Dude, what happen to them?"

"Looks like there have something bad happen between them."

"I will get a chance if her boyfriend asked her to break up."

I heard that all of the words. Are they okey? If they broke up, I also going take a chance for that.


Time skip

I see Y/n packed her thing right now. I bet that she was get ready to meet that boy on the rooftop. Should I follow her?

"Jake, you go first. I will come later."

I said to him. He furrowed his forehead.

"Are you going to eavesdrop their conversation? Stop it, Jay."

"I don't care."

I follow Y/n who already walk out from the class, leave Jake who literally maybe mad at me after this.

After a few minutes, we finally arrived at the rooftop. I quickly hide at the place where they will never see me but, just me who can see them.


Y/n pov

I standing behind my boyfriend as I arrived. I put a bright smile for him before tapped his shoulder. He then turn around and give me a dark stare. The dark stare where he always give me since 1 month after. I don't know why.

I smile to him brightly.

"Hi, Ryan!"

I greet him cheerfully as he give me expressionless face. What's wrong with him actually?

"Let's break up."

What he said making my heart shattered. I look at him with my shocked face.

"W-why? What happen?"

I asked him, but not hesitate.

"I already fall out love with you."

After heard that, I can feel my knees start to be weak, but I keep myself strong. Don't want to show my weakness infront of him.

"So you're really fall out love with me?"

I asked as I look down on feet with gripped the fist.


He answer shortly. I take a deep breath. Without looking at him...

"go away."

I said. I can feel he look at me confusely.

"I said go away. Don't ever show me your face again."

I said coldly to him.

"Okey then. Bye."

He then walk away like nothing bad happen. After he left, I can feel my weakness started to attack me. I slowly fall down on the floor because of my weak knees. My eyes start blurry as the tears fulling it.

Why it's hurt so much? Please... I hate this feeling!

I cry so hard at there when suddenly someone pulled into a hug making my face on their chest. I was stunned right now.

"Just let it out. I won't tell anyone. Just me and you."

It's a boy. After heard that, I let out all of my feelings with crying. Yes. I hug him back.

He keep on patting my back softly to comfort me making me feel safe and comfortable, the feel that I never have been before although with Ryan before. What is this feeling mean?

After a few minutes, I finally comforted. I slowly pulled away from the hug, still didn't look at the boy face.

"T-thank you..."

I said weakly to him. I am waiting for his answer. But, other than wait for his answer, his lift my chin with his fingers making me look up and saw his face.


He smiling at me.

Isn't he the cold guy in this college? How can he smile this sweet to me?

"He didn't deserve you so you don't have to cry hardly about him. He didn't deserve you because he such a pathetic. Let's be friend. And I will show you how I will treat you better than him."

What it does mean? Why I'm feeling something different in my belly? Why the butterflies flying on it?

I'm staring his handsome face for a moment. I can't believe that he will say such a cringe thing like that. Then, I start to laugh because how funny it was, thinking that he be joking.

He look at me confusely.

"Ahhh... I'm sorry. But, why you being so cringy right now? Are you okey? Did you forget to eat your medicine, Jay?"

I asked him with my little laughed. He still look at me confusely also, expressionless. Then, I stop from laughing after that and pouted.

"eyy, you're not fun to be friend with Jay."

I said while crossing my arms on my chest.


Jay pov

Seriously? How unique this girl was. I can't believe that she can be so friendly out of sudden although she looks like a quiet person also like a soft person.

It makes me fall more harder on her. I need to be more serious after this.

"Then, be friend with me. I will show you my other side after this."

I said making she look at me while pouting. How cute. Then, after saw me smiling, she smile too. Finally I got what I want. A sweet smile from her. How lucky I was.

"Okey, then. Show me how you can treat me better than him then."

She said while smirking. Me also smirking.

"Let's go then."

I said. We both smirking to each other.

-to be continued-

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