Niki (니키) - When You Walk Inside His Room And See He Was...

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Request by kenniesolo199611625
Thank you girl for your request❤️

We will start nowww💕hope you enjoy❤️

Y/n pov

I woke up from my sleep feeling better after got a nice sleep. Yeah. I'm dreaming about my lovely boyfriend. Hehe.

Do you guys want to know who is my boyfriend? Well, he is Nishimura Riki. He is 4 years older than me. And he live just beside my house. Hehe. Well, we actually right now living in the our grandparent houses. He live in his while me in mine.

And well, my name is Tamura Y/n.

Today, me and my beloved boyfriend will going to have a date. Yeah!

I should be get ready now. I stretch my body and after that walk out from my bed. I make a bed before going to wardrobe, wanted to choose my date clothes, of course.

 I make a bed before going to wardrobe, wanted to choose my date clothes, of course

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A/n: I don't know but u can choose whatever you want hehe.

After choosing, I'm going to the bathroom to have a nice shower.


"Good morning, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and sibs!"

I said excitedly to family after got down from my room. Yes. My room at upstairs of the house.

"Are you going to have a date with your boyfriend today?"

My mom asked making me smile and nodded.

"You should go now. He might be waiting for you right now."

Grandma said as she pushed me quickly to the main door making me confuse. Why are they acting like this? It's differently. Well, anyway, who cares?

I jumped out from the house and excitedly go to his grandparent house since he is not here yet. Yeah. Because I'm too early maybe?

I knocked the house door. Without waiting for a few minutes, the door opened revealed... Lia? And Taki? Ommo? What are they even doing here?

"Hey, Y/n! You come too early this morning."

Taki said while smiling. Lia pinched his cheek making the boy yelp.

"Of course she is! You didn't know that she will come here for a date with her beloved boyfie?"

Lia said. Taki rolled his eyes. I'm who watch them infront of the door just shook my head because of their childish behavior. Actually, they are a couple. Just like me and Niki. We could make a double date next time. Cuz I want to date with my boyfie alone. Hehe. Not greedy. Hehe.

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