Chapter 13 - Ash

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A lot happened in the past few days. Scorching suns, a lot happened in the past few hours. I decided not to bunk in a makeshift stick shelter, and to instead climb the tallest tree nearby and lay in its top branches. I didn't expect to get any sleep, or at least not much, but I never got enough sleep, not since Mother disappeared. Just then, I heard some rustling from below me. I leaned over the edge of a branch to find Alder's face staring up at me from the ground.

"You awake, Mentor Ash?" He asked.

"Don't call me that. Seriously," I rolled my eyes, though I knew he couldn't see the motion.

"Fine. But I won't call you "Lady," Aspen has already taken that title," His eyes glittered in the faint starlight.

"Oh yes, you love birds get the lady and sir titles. That's absolutely fine."

Even in the dim moonlight, I could see Alder flush red, "We are just friends! It's a title for a friend!" I noticed his voice faltered a bit at the end though.

"It's only been hours. I'd call it love at first sight," I grinned, flipping around the branch I was on and landing on my feet on a lower one. I then dropped again, landing in a crouch on the lowest branch, still about ten feet above the ground.

"What do you think this is?" Alder hissed, "A romance novel? We're just friends!" He repeated, crossing his arms.

"I don't get it," I said, "You guys were enemies just a few hours ago. Now, you're basically head over heels towards each other."

"Shut. Up." Alder said, hauling himself up to the lowest branch.

"Sure sure. So. Couldn't sleep?" I asked, pretending to let the topic go. I looked at Alder, whose gaze was fixated on Aspen. I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Earth to Alder!" I said, shaking him.

"Huh?" He asked, coming back to reality.

"Were you staring at Aspen?" I asked slyly.

"Uhh, nooo. I was just making sure she was okay. Ya know, she's not dead or anything. Anyway, what were you saying?"

I repeated my question and Alder said, plopping himself next to me,"Actually, I wanted to apologize for the Elm thing again."

"Again?" I asked dryly, standing from my crouch and balancing my way across the slim branch.

"Look," He said, eyeing my stance nervously, "What Aspen says is true, I really do feel bad about the whole Elm thing. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You were thinking like an uneducated hunter," I shrugged him off, while inside I was still clenching with... something. It was all so weird. Losing Elm, it didn't feel real, at least not yet.

"Aspen says everyone deserves a second chance," He continued, "And I really am sorry, If I could do everything again, I wouldn't be such.. such... such a jerk."

"Oh Aspen said so, did she?" I smirked again, turning to face him. I was now standing almost weightlessly on the very tip of the branch. Aspen turned over and whispered something in her sleep. Alder's head immediately went to look at Aspen and I smirked.

"Are you sure that you..."

"Oh my gosh," Alder rolled his eyes, "Can you please focus?"

"Focus on your very heartfelt apology? I haven't heard anything yet." I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"I'm really sorry. I know how much Elm meant to you and there are no excuses. I really would leave if you wanted me to," He said, twirling his bangs around his finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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