16: Lost Library

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"I was just being a child- with all those deadlines.. all those notes.. all that stress.. all the things I yelled at you.. all because it wasn't perfect! Ugh.. I was being so childish!" What.. was she talking about? Was this even about.. the fight anymore? For some reason, you feel like something was off.. you feel.. uncomfortable. You feel.. scared.

"You.. you were just a kid. You didn't know any better.. you had every right to be mad. At mom.. and dad.. at me.. at everything"

Rainbow.. what are you saying?

"I should have never thought of the recital".
Your eyes widen, you immediately break away from the hug. You look towards your sister, with dark blank eyes.

You're not supposed to know about that..

Rainbow's eyes, filled with tears.. immediately turn white, in horror.

She's not supposed to know about that. Rainbow shouldn't know that...
She was the first.. she's the first to actually mention it-


You're on your back, lying on the floor, eyes closed.

You're back in White space.. aren't you? The place was really dark.. but that's just because your eyes are closed. Hm.. you bring a hand towards your head to push a strand of hair out of your face.. you see it. You see.. your hand?

That's not right.. your eyes are closed. You hold up your other hand, you can see it too.. you immediately get up. You weren't in White Space.. you're in a dark room, one only being litten by candles. You look at the floor for any clues, obviously you get nothing.. because it's the floor.. what clues were you expecting yourself to find. It's a hard wooden floor though. Your eyes wander towards your legs.. wait.. they look different. Your pants were brown and baggy.. no stars on them, you immediately check your tank top.

That too, has been replaced with a white long sleeved collared shirt with a black vest on top. The only thing you kept was your black socks.. that's so weird. That's what you wore yesterday.. when you.. You don't even have your knife on you.. you get up, ow your back hurts. You hold your back in pain, it wasn't even hurt earlier.. you suddenly became a granny- the thought of that horrifies you.

Surrounding you, multiple pots of the same white flower.. you know the name.. what was it.. you heard of it before..-

White egret orchid.
In the language of flowers.. it symbolises the phrase; "my thoughts will forever follow you in your dreams.." well.. you added the forever, but you know what you mean.

The place was pretty big.. around the place, tall dusty bookshelves.. dusty ladders.. dusty cabinets.. everything was dusty and old. As if this place was abandoned.. this place.. which must've been a library. There also seemed to be.. trees? In here.. but they all have no leaves on them, they were all dead. It's roots all over the place, you make sure to be extra cautious while walking around.

You notice a glow.. a slight glow comes from one of the books on a bookshelf. A ladder coincidentally leaning towards it, you shrug and decided to check it out.

You climb the dusty ladder and pick the book up from the fourth shelf. You jump down and look at the cover. A dusty dark purple, your favourite colour. The cover was disfigured much that you couldn't read the title.

All you got was 'HER *E**RIE*
Haha her erie.

You sit on the ground, near a candle to illuminate the book and read easier.

You turn towards a random page, since the glow was gone..

One by one, they fell asleep on the car ride home. They had a fun time at the beach all day long, everyone was all exhausted. The car hits a bump, waking ★ up. But she is too tired to move from her position. She steadies her breathing as all she listens to is the sound of road and the drowned sounds of the radio. She feels the soft sun on her skin, and the slight tinge of pain on her nose from tomorrow's sunburn. She is happy. Very happy.  And she makes a vow to herself, to remember this moment.. forever.

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