Season 2 / Chapter 9: Holy Awakening Part 3.

Start from the beginning

Rias: Yeah, and that's what gets a Demon killed.

Y/n: Mmm... I'm gonna touch it.

And so you did. No hesitation in the slightest before you wrapped your hand around the hilt of the sword.

Now, what you expected to happen, was for your entire body to burst into flames, burn to ash and be dead.

But what DID happen, was nothing.

The sword simply remained in your grasp, your body intact.

In fact, it felt like the sword was humming, just a light hum, an almost comfortable hum.

Rias however, looked at Adellai in complete shock.

Rias: How did he not die?

Y/n: Heh, there's no need to wonder where your god is! Cause he's right here!

You were joking of course, you were genuinely afraid to let go of the hilt for fear of a delayed reaction of sorts.

Y/n: Ok but seriously, what now? I mean, this is really underwhelming. I was expecting to burn to death like... i don't know... I thought something cool would happen.

Rias: Ok... well maybe it's not Excalibur?

Y/n: Nah, it's definitely Excalibur.

Adellai: How are you sure?

Y/n: I don't know. I just am. Like... I KNOW it's Excalibur.

Rias: No, don't you DARE try telling me Excalibur decided to choose you as it's wielder.

Y/n: Hah! You're crazy! I'm a Devil, baby.

The guard of the sword began to glow violently, as if in protest to the accusation.

Y/n: Oh HELL nah! Did you seriously?

The sword's humming became louder in response.

Y/n: I was an average, everyday Business owner a few months ago... now I'm holding the LITERAL EXCALIBUR!

Rias: Ya know... at this point I don't know why I'm surprised... but I still am.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm not surprised... I'm just scared. Like... why me? I killed a guy for looking at me wrong once... well, he was also a human trafficker... but still!

Rias: Human Trafficker? When was this?

Y/n: A few weeks ago. Remember when I came home bloody that one day? I went and massacred a whole operation.

Adellai: I don't think that's of any importance at the current point in time.

Y/n: Yeah, I suppose it's not.

You still weren't quite sure what to do. Eventually the church was going to find out you had Excalibur, and they'd try to take it.

Despite this thought, you reached out and grabbed the blanket that Excalibur had previously been wrapped in and attempted to re-wrap it, only to have the blanket continuously fall off the sword, so, with a sigh, you just placed the sword back in the box and sealed it with several spells.

Y/n: If I, for whatever reason, need it... it'll be here.

Rias: Hopefully that won't happen... ever.

Y/n: We both know that's wishful thinking.

Meanwhile, at the Hyoudou Residence. 3rd POV

Issei stood in the bathroom and stared into the mirror, eye's glowing a sickly red.

Issei: Damn that fucking asshole tool!

In a sudden fit of rage, Issei slammed his fist into the mirror, shattering in an instant.

Issei: I'll fucking kill him. That asshole thinks just because he's rich, he's the shit!

Issei stared into the mirror, the fractured image of himself staring back at him.

Outside of the bathroom door, Asia stood, slightly in fear. She had heard the crash of Issei punching the mirror and now, the things she could hear him saying, they scared her.

Quietly she backed away and returned to her room and conjured up a magic before grabbing a bag and filling it with a change of clothes and leaving for somewhere she felt safe.

That place? It just so happened to be the place of the person Issei hated most, Y/n's Manor.

Asia POV, Y/n's manor.

Upon arriving to the manor, I was met with a sight I wasn't expecting. I stood in front of Y/n, Rias and their maid, Adellai if I remembered correctly. The three were all holding brooms and were sweeping up what appeared to be shattered parts of a door.

Rias: Asia, what are you doing here?

Asia: S-Something is wrong with Issei, he's... he's saying some scary things...

Y/n: The fuck did he say to you? I'll go kick his ass.

Asia: No! He... didn't say anything to me, but he was talking about killing you and...

Suddenly my voice cut out, I couldn't get myself to speak, I just couldn't believe the things Issei had been saying, they were so unlike him.

A few seconds later, I felt arms around me holding me close to a chest. The feeling against my ear was... hard, and yet still exceedingly soft. Then I heard Y/n's voice.

Y/n: Don't worry kid, you ain't gotta worry about that prick. He won't hurt me, hell, he can certainly try. I'll just put him flat on his back again.

The soft thumping of his heart in my ear and the softness in his voice brought tears to my eyes.

3rd POV

A few hours later, as the sun began to slightly peek over the mountains, a new set of doors was being installed.

The events of the previous night had you still extremely shaken, first the Church duo and then Excalibur, not to forget what had happened with Asia. Suffice it to say, you hadn't gotten a wink of sleep with all the shit that had been floating through your head.

After the doors had been installed, Rias and Asia left for school and you spent the next few hours attempting to sleep, but to no avail.

Finally, after a few hours of trying, you gave up and simply went to your study and began shuffling through piles of paper and books.

There had to be some information on all the shit going on, first of all, information about Eldritch Gods and maybe, if you could manage to find anything, information on Juniper.

Hopefully, your attempts would bare fruit for your endless number of questions. However...

Only time would tell.

----------------The End----------------

Hey! Long time no see am I right?! I'll keep this short and sweet for now.

This chapter is all over the place and I sincerely apologize for that, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, so it'll take me a bit of time to get myself back on track.

Anyways... Hope you enjoy, and I hope to see you all for the next chapter!

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