Chapter 7: All the Homies hate Issei.

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After my little roadside episode, I got into my car and pulled away, going back the way I'd come, headed for the ORC, where hopefully my new friends would be waiting for me.

Rias Point of View

Over the past 2 weeks, I've begun speaking to Y/n on a daily basis, we seemed to share a fair bit in common it seemed and I enjoyed discussing things with him, so I was worried about him to say the least, so naturally when he stumbled into the ORC with his hair messy and limping, I immediately got up to help him.

Rias: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Oh ya know, still somewhat freaking out, but broken toes really seem to do the trick when trying not to have an existential crisis. The pain really keeps you grounded.

Rias: Broken toes? How'd you break your toes?

Y/n: Oh, funny story really, I drove, stopped on the side of the road, kicked a rock, screamed, threw up, the usual shit. Honestly though, I'm surprised I was able to gather my thoughts.

While he spoke, I helped him limp over to the couch where he'd sit and then prop his foot up on the coffee table. Then, once he was seated, I took a seat next to him.

Rias: I can't believe you're so calm about this.

Y/n: Yeah... calm. Anyways, some good came of it, and I decided. I will admit, I hate myself, but I accept the fact that I am Loki's son, and I refuse to let someone who doesn't know me, write my description.

Rias: Good, I was worried that you'd try and do something stupid.

Y/n: Like what?

Rias: Well, I don't know. Resort to completely self destructive habits, like smoking and drinking?

Y/n: The only reason I've stopped smoking is because I ran out of smokes and am too lazy to get more, and drinking, well, I'll just keep that bit to myself.

Rias: Y/n, how often do you drink?

Y/n: Erm... I have a glass of wine now and then... and some nice 6% Choya Ice Nouveau Sake almost every night, and when I'm out of that, I'll drink some 12% Kizakura Sake instead. Unless it's a special occasion, then I'll drink Choya Sparkling Plum Wine. Then there's those days I'm feeling like having some me time, then I'll do some Pinot Noir, which is around 13%, though, if I'm just down in the absolute dumps, Bacardi 151 with a major 75.5% Alcohol.

Rias: I swear you're an alcoholic.

Y/n: Businessman. Speaking of Bacardi, I could really go for some right now. Forget about all this damn Loki shit and get wasted...

Rias: I'd rather you didn't. It'll be a little while till everyone comes back, when they do, I'll have Asia heal your toes, ok?

Y/n: Could you just forget about my toes and me liking to have a few drinks for a second and just... talk about something different? Please?

Rias: Alright, what about then?

Y/n: We never talk about your life, tell me about you, like... if you've ever had a boyfriend or something.

Rias: Well, I can tell you with certainty I've never had a boyfriend. I find men to be rather disgusting. Except you of course, I can actually tolerate you.

Y/n: Would you ever consider dating me though?

Rias: W-Well, I guess so? I can't really say, it's only been a few weeks.

Y/n: Fair enough, and since you've never had a boyfriend, I take it you've never had sex either.

Rias: What does that have to do with anything?

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