"Nightmare is 3 entities actually, a human, a normal skeleton, and... negativity?... and that was all. Maybe some other stuff about someone called Y/n and so on," Classic speaks up.

A portal opens and Ccino walks in, mumbling about forgetting about the meeting and having to close up early and as he sees you, he frowns in understanding, probably knowing why you were here and he walks up to you and stands by you, shocking most of the Sans's.

As Blue talks, you and Ccino exchange a hushed conversation.

"Ink... I guess?" Ccino sighs as he sees Ink slumped over in his chair.

You sigh and nod in response, "Yes. So now I'm hoping to build a truce off of all of this. Because frankly, I don't want to deal with any more unpredictable shit and after living over 5 centuries I just don't want to deal with everything now. Just wanna relax."

"That's understandable," Ccino nods, "I wish you the best of luck then. I'll stay here with your brother and gang to make sure nothing happens to them," Ccino adds as he sees you tense up slightly when you were told to go and speak without your gang and brother with you. But you trusted Ccino so everything would be ok.
Taking in a deep breath as you walk to Blue, you face the Sans's who waited for your words and you explained the 5 centuries you lived through, with Corrupt, and Nightmare, and yourself, Y/n, but nothing about your past life, that you just woke up as 3 entities in one body and so on, leaving some things out that you didn't want them to know. Of course, the disbelief on all of their skulls grew by every minute as you explained and grew baffled as you explained your job, what you did, and that now you needed a truce.

"And How Are We Supposed To Believe You?" Spoke up Wine.

"Well," you shrugged, "I promised Nightmare that I'd let him go out for half of the meeting, so I think this'll make you believe." You nod to the space next to you, where Nightmare was, and switched out of the body, making your body go limp, about to fall until Nightmare took place. The good melting off to show someone who looked extremely similar to Dream but with purple attire and eye lights. Many shocked whispers were going around as Nightmare stomped up to Ink and slapped him.


"This might be too late to do that but YOU BASTARD," Nightmare yelled out, breathing heavily, "WHEN YOU TOLD EVERYONE I WAS SO FUCKING WORRIED, YOU SAW THAT IT WAS A SECRET AND MEANT TO BE KEPT THAT BUT YOU IGNORED- a- and-" Nightmare took a few deep breaths before continuing, "YOU COULD HAVE PUT MY FAMILY IN DANGER! I KNEW YOU WERE AN IDIOT BUT NOT THIS MUCH OF AN IDIOT!"

There was silence as Inks's eye sockets were wide as he dumbly nodded in response.

Nightmare Huffed and stomped back to the front of the table and spoke,
"Your opinions about this are unneeded and unnecessary, as Y/n said, there is going to be a truce as proposed with still needing to do our job when needed," nodding to himself, he spoke, "Y/n is coming back out."

When you come back out, your eye socket is blown wide and then you shake your skull and immediately start to change back into corruption form.

Bones splintering, cracking, and falling apart, making everyone look at you horrified.

You sighed when the transformation finished and looked around. Nodding to yourself, you announce, "This meeting is over. Your choice to uphold the truce or not."

As you were about to leave with your gang, Sci ran up quickly.

"Ah- Y/n or- Nightmare-"

"Just call me Nightmare for now," you nod.

"Well, when you explained about your souls being 3 in 1, I was wondering if I could extend my help and study your soul as well as helping with getting you 3 apart," Sci proposed nervously.

You stood there for a second, eye socket blown wide in surprise before coming to a conclusion, "No thank you," Sci looks at you in surprise and you explain, "I had already been like this for a little over 5 centuries, so I don't want to return to being back to how I used to be, but thank you for the offer anyway."

Sci rubs the back of his skull sheepishly but nods and then quietly yelps in shock as Red grabs him and drags him away from you.

You then open up the portal and you all head inside.

"OH MY GOD THAT WAS SUCH A WILD FUCKING RIDE, AND DID YOU SEE THEIR FACES!?" Killer cackles as you close off the portal and you look at him with a deadpan stare, but a little later, you and the others started laughing as well, the mood then lifted for the first time in these few days.

Others made jokes and congratulated Nightmare on his 'badassness' which made Nightmare blush and pout in response.

The next few weeks and months were now better.

Most Sans's stayed off and let you do your job as you couldn't have the balance be overthrown.

When Error was informed of what happened at the meeting, he guffawed.

But the next problem that came was what to call you. Since everyone in the multiverse now knew that you weren't Nightmare, there was a question of what to call you.

So here you were, trying to decide that as you didn't want to use your old name anymore. New multiverse, new you, past was in the past, secrets all out, and you had to move on from your family anyways after grieving a little over 5 centuries.


I'm now taking requests for Y/n's nickname!

Write them here! —>

Deadline is October 1st!
Next chapter will be A/N abt Arc 3 and when it's gonna start as well as voting for the different nicknames I get!

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now