Surrender and Trust

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Buttah was on her hands and knees breathing through the contractions. Bless was rubbing Buttah's back feeling helpless, wanting to take the pain away. Every time Buttah makes a grimacing face or moan in pain, Bless tells Dr. Cole to give her pain meds.

"Babe, stop! I'm not taking pain meds! I'm good, just stop talking." Buttah said with her eyes closed getting frustrated.

Buttah has been 8 centimeters for the past hour. Dr. Cole is getting ready to manually break Buttah's water bag. She was waiting for Buttah's water to break naturally, but it's been an hour, and no success with that.

"Okay, Buttah after I break your water the pain is going to be more severe, but things are going to move along a lot quicker." Dr. Cole said looking at Buttah.

Bless was getting aggravated, because he didn't like seeing Buttah in pain.

"Bless go get Bobo!" Buttah yelled, nervous about feeling more pain.

"Nope, I'll be Bobo for today." Bless said getting closer to Buttah.

After Dr. Cole broke Buttah's water, the pain was more severe. Buttah held onto Bless so tight; Bless was trying to tap out.

"Okay, you're at 10 centimeters now. I can feel the head. Oh my goodness, I can already feel all this hair." Dr. Cole said smiling.

Buttah's doula was on the other side of Buttah helping her breathe and guiding her to push.

"Okay Buttah, when you have a contraction start pushing out at a 10 count, just how we practiced. Let me know when you have a contraction." Ebony, the doula, said to Buttah as she was holding her hand.

"Push! 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! I see the head! He's coming! Ebony said as Dr. Cole was guiding the baby out.

"I'm getting dizzy and nauseated all of a sudden." Bless said as he saw the head coming out.

The doula told Bless that it was normal to feel that way, and she gave him a paper bag to breathe in. Usually, men would faint when they saw the head coming out of the vagina. Ebony was relieved when Bless admitted how he was feeling, because she could prevent him from fainting. Breathing in a brown paper bag always helps.

"It's a baby boy!" Dr. Cole said giving the baby to Buttah.

Buttah was so emotional. Bless couldn't stop smiling, it was obvious he was holding back emotion. Buttah counted 10 fingers and 10 toes.

"Bless do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" Dr. Cole asked Bless.

Bless agreed to cut the cord. He started to get nervous, because the umbilical cord wasn't that easy to cut.  Ebony took the baby to clean him up, and weigh him.

"Wow, he's 8lbs and 5ozs!" Ebony said smiling.

Ebony wrapped the baby up, and gave him to Bless. Bless was just looking at him. Buttah saw him wipe away a tear. He gave the baby to Buttah to breastfeed.

"I have a son; he looks healthy, perfect. He looks like a mixture of both of us. So are we still making him a junior, Bless junior, BJ?" Bless asked smiling

"Yes, I like that." Buttah said while breastfeeding BJ.

Bless and Buttah stayed in the room for at least an hour, bonding with the baby. Bless peeked out of the room to let everyone know that Buttah, and the Baby were doing fine.

"Thank you so much for being here with me Babe. I'm sorry for being mean to you." Buttah said while holding Bless hand.

"It's all good. You almost broke my neck when you thought I was Boo, but I'm glad I could help." Bless said smiling looking at Buttah and BJ.

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