Better days are coming

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It has been 2 months since Sasha was discharged from the hospital. She was feeling better; still limited movement of her arm due to the gunshot wound.

"Look at that belly!" Sasha said looking at Buttah.

Buttah was now 30 weeks pregnant. She had a little wobble, but she continued to teach aerobic dance.

"Yes girl, I'm starting to get tired. I think I'm going to stop going to the gym. I don't like the way Mike looks at me, and I think he's plotting to get me fired." Buttah said shaking her head.

"Tell Bless to kick his ass." Sasha said.

"Kick who ass?" Bless walked into the dining room looking at Buttah.

"The gym manager came onto me one day, and I told him to get the fuck away from me. I guess I hurt his ego; he got upset, saying that he can stop me from teaching dance." Buttah said sitting on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me when this happened? Bless asked sitting next to Buttah.

"I can take care of myself. I'm not afraid of Mike." Buttah said laying her head back on the couch, and putting her legs in Bless lap.

Buttah has fought more men than women and won. She learned how to fight when she was in the 1st grade. After school she would go to the girls and boys club. Since Buttah was a pretty girl, other girls were jealous, and boys would touch her butt. Buttah did not like to be touched. Every time someone touched her in a sexual way she would fight. She did not start fights, but when provoked she did not hesitate to defend herself.

"I understand that, but I'm your man, and I want to protect you. I know you're independent, but allow me to protect you. I want let anything happen to you." Bless said rubbing on Buttah's belly.

"Hey! He's moving a lot today. He just kicked my hand." Bless jumped excited to feel the baby move.

"How do you know it's a boy?" Buttah asked smiling.

Bless and Buttah did not want to know the sex of the baby, until the baby was born. Buttah felt that she was having a boy, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

"I would love to have a junior but honestly, I just want a healthy baby." Bless said smiling.

"Ok, well you don't have to worry about Mike. I'm not going back until after I have the baby. Bless, please do not bother that man." Buttah said looking at Bless.

Bless put his hands up. "I'm not doing nothing, but we will have a talk; just a man to man conversation." Bless said.

"I'm so happy about my retirement. I turned my paperwork in last week. I will officially be retired at the end of April." Buttah said excited.

Buttah has worked for the county for 20 years and she has a great retirement plan.

"Are you packed for Barbados?" Bless asked.

"Of course, I've been packed and ready to go for two weeks now." Buttah said smiling.

It's Monday morning. Bless and Buttah were getting ready to go to the airport.

"Good morning, I'm glad y'all answered. I know how y'all like to sleep in. I'm on my way to the airport. I will be in Barbados for 2 weeks. I will be fine. Love y'all." Buttah FaceTimed her three children. Taliah didn't think she should go, because she felt Buttah was too far along in her pregnancy. Tavvy didn't trust Bless 100%; he wanted to spend time with him to get to know him better. Cheeky is always happy when he sees his mom happy, so he was good as long as she was good.

Bless and Buttah made it to Barbados safely. Bless rented a beachfront villa. Buttah was so excited and ready to go on the beach. Bless and Buttah brought a blanket and pillows on the beach to watch the sunset.

"This is so beautiful and relaxing." Buttah said laying on the blanket looking up at the sky.

"Bless, I'm not always a sweet and kind person, so don't take my kindness for a weakness." Buttah said looking at Bless.

"Why did you say that? I don't think you're weak." Bless asked.

"Well, from my experience, people would take my kindness for a weakness, and they would end up getting their feelings hurt. Five things you better not do to stay on my good side: don't take me for granted, don't lie to me, don't take advantage of me, don't betray me and don't hurt the ones that I love. If you do any of those five things, you will see my fire side. I'm a Sagittarius. We get along with everyone, until you make us mad.

"Oh, okay you're a Sagittarius. Now I get it, that's why we have a magnetic connection, opposites attract. I'm a Gemini." Bless said smiling.

"Oh my goodness." Buttah said putting her hand on her face.

"What? All that negative stuff you've heard came from haters. Gemini's are the most misunderstood people." Bless said laughing.

"I agree with that. I really don't have an issue with anybody, unless they have an issue with me." Buttah said looking at the sky.

"I'm usually not a crier, but you've seen me cry a lot. When I was younger, I was always told to be strong. I thought that I was weak if I cried, so I would remain stoic during difficult times. It feels so much better to cry. When you cry, you release the pain. Otherwise, the pain will linger and turn into anger." Buttah said still looking at the sky.

"As a man, we were told that we were gay if we cried. The only emotion that is acceptable for a man is anger. That is what I was told growing up. When I was 15, I saw my cousin get shot in broad daylight. I couldn't sleep that night. For a whole week after, I couldn't sleep, because all I could see was the look on his face. He was so scared. He was only 18 years old. I lived with him and his mom. His mom is my aunt Charlene. I walked with him to the store that day. The guys that shot him, could have shot me too, but they just looked at me and drove off. The one year anniversary of his really brought up a lot of emotion in me. I cried that whole day and you're right, crying does release the pain. I start sleeping better after that." Bless said looking at the sky with Buttah.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. It sounds like that was a difficult time for you, but I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share." Buttah said touching Bless hand, and putting her head on his shoulder.

"I do feel comfortable with you. I meant it when I said you feel like home. I've never felt so much comfort, and peace with anyone, you are my peace. We have been through some rough patches, but better days are coming." Bless said kissing her forehead, and turning into her, putting his arm around her belly.

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