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"People in Texas do not know how to drive." Bless said as a car swerved around him.

"You should have left yesterday!" Bless yelled to himself as the driver flipped him off.

He shook his head and smirked. He was calm on most days, but had a temper that no one wanted to see. As Bless pulled into the gas station; he noticed this beautiful woman with long curly hair.

"Wow." Bless said to himself. She was a natural beauty about 5'3, nice curves and toned body. Her thighs were very nice, her muscles were noticeable. Looks like she can kick someone's head off with those powerful, but feminine looking legs. She looked annoyed as this old guy was talking to her.

"Back up man! I said I got it!" Bless heard, as he walked around the pump, and saw that she was more beautiful than he could see from afar.

He was looking starstruck, so he had to get himself together. He was thinking she looked like a model, but he knew she wasn't because she was too short. The scruffy looking guy backed up and went away. When he locked eyes with her, his stomach got tight and started doing somersaults.

What is wrong with me? I don't usually feel this way. I see beautiful women all the time, but it's definitely something different with Buttah. Bless got in his car and headed back to his Condo.

Bless recently came to Texas to run his older brother's barbershop. His older brother passed away from Covid 6 months ago. He was like a best friend to him. Bless agreed to run his brother (Chaz) barbershop for him before he was taken off of life support. Little did he know, his brother's business had only been open for a year, and he had 10 booths with only 3 workers. It was really slow in the area, people rarely came by.

He wondered why his brother would open a barbershop in Hurst anyway; from what he could see, it's not too many black people who lived around the area. Bless has only been in Texas for 3 months. He's originally from Chicago where he was born and raised. His mother was Dominican and his father is Jamaican. Surprisingly, his mother had him at an older age, at 43 years old and passed away during his birth. His dad was a womanizer, so he didn't spend much time around Bless and his two brothers. His Aunty Charlene raised him and his brothers when their mother passed away. Aunty Charlene lived in Chicago. Bless was the youngest of his two brothers. When Bless was born; Chaz was 6 and Joe was 3 years old. There were 13 mystery siblings on his dad's side. He only met two of them through his older brother Chaz, and didn't know the others. Most of them lived in Florida.

"I guess I'll just go to the gym." Bless said as he went into his condo.

"Texas is going to be very interesting." Bless said as he had lingering thoughts of the natural beauty at the gas station.

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