Entrust for life. This was no frivolous vow.

Lisa felt sweetness in her heart but thought that "Entrust for life" was not a phrase suitable for her. She was fully capable of grasping her own life and living well without the need to entrust herself to anyone.

If they were to speak of entrusting, Jungkook should be the one entrusting himself to her.

Something suddenly struck Lisa.

"Jungkook, do your parents dislike me?"

Jungkook shook his head at once, "How is that possible? My Mom really likes you".

Lisa found it odd. "Doesn't your mom know what I did to you when we were young?"

He shook his head again.

"You didn't tell her?"

Another shake of the head.

"Why not?"

Why not? Probably because as a boy, he was being bullied every day by a girl. His pride would not let him tattle. Regarding this, the worst that his mother knew was the time when Lisa chased him with a caterpillar and caused him to fall into some thorn bushes. However, she did not do so intentionally and their teacher and classmates could witness it. In the end, Lisa's actions were deemed to an accident and she was punished by Principal Manoban. His mother did not blame her either.

Lisa saw that Jungkook was lost in thoughts. She stared at the sky and sighed, "Jungkook, you should have let your parents know".

"If I did, my parents would have transferred me to another school. We would have been separated and I wouldn't have followed you to ice skate and learn ice hockey. I wouldn't be who am I now and we wouldn't have the chance to reunite. Or even if we met again, we would only be interacted and couldn't even remember each other's names. After saying hi, the two of us would go our separate ways".

"Jungkook...." When Lisa thought of that possibility and imagined how her life would have turned out without the person named Jungkook, she was suddenly very upset. Her eyes even redded.

Jungkook looked at her and smiled. He said, "Lisa, more than once, I regret missing the six years of your secondary school life. But right now, I feel extremely fortunate because at least I still have those six years of your childhood".

Lisa's heart softened into mush. She turned her back on him and mumbled, "Lunatic, bringing up such emotional things out of nowhere".

Jungkook rubbed her bangs and remarked, "Sometimes, I think that fate's arrangement is amazing".


Jungkook's gratefulness towards fate lasted till dinnertime.

At night, he was having dinner with Lisa at the Sky Yard. Lisa was bored and began browsing Weibo. She wanted to see his fan's reaction towards Jungkook revealing his relationship.

Right after going on Weibo, she discovered that her number of followers and the amount of followers and the amount of news on her had increased drastically. When she clicked in curiously, your mom's egg!

There were no secrets on the Internet. Last year's rumours of her being in a love triangle were once again dug out and spread around. An overwhelming amount of pictures and text painted a vivid story. It was no wonder that those people had kept those pictures till now.

Rather than calling those rumours truth back up by picture evidence, it was more accurate to call it tales spun from some pictures. It was as sensationalized as they come. Many believed the rumour that Jungkook caught her cheating with Yeonjun at a hotel. Just how blind were the masses.

Oh, yes, Yeonjun was involved as well. This particular rumour even attracted another group of people's attention. Yeonjun, who was currently in China, was one of the three involved parties in the supposed love triangle; he was someone with fans as well....

The whole bunch of them was not satisfied with stirring up the past rumours; they even dug out her Weibo account.

At the moment, numerous fans were circling her account for a trial.

Those with better tempers requested her for an explanation. Those with shorter tempers directly rained her with terrible insults.

Actually, the bulk of the crowd was simply there to watch a show and was restrained in their actions. However, it was inevitable that widespread attention would attract some extreme fans. At least from the numbers of extreme fans increased the more attention this got.

Vexed by the extreme fan's insults, Lisa threw her phone onto the table with a loud thud.

Jungkook received a shock. He observed her face furtively and in a careful tone, asked, "What's wrong Lili?"

"Dear Golden Boy" Lisa glared at him, the corners of her plump lips raised in a dangerous smile. "Your girlfriends are all calling me a bitch". She passed her phone over as she spoke.

Jungkook took the phone. His heart sunk with just one glance, oh no!

Without even finishing her dinner, Lisa ran out with a darkened expression.

Jungkook grabbed their bags and slung them over his shoulder before rushing out after her.

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