Chapter 31

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"Mama isn't coming here, she's heading to the castle !"

"What ?" Katakuri and Oven said.

"The kids are in the castle we have to stop her before she gets there !" Oven said.

"But wait ! Can't someone talk to her ?" I asked.

"Oh I forgot ! You can't talk to her when she's like that ! She doesn't recognize us so she'll probably kill us if we get to close to her."

"What ?!"

 "Yeah...Welcome to our lovely family." Oven smiled.

"Oven you stay here in case she comes back here. Pudding you watch her from the air and tell us if she's still heading to the castle. (Y/N) you stay with Oven." Katakuri said.

"What ? Why can't I go with you ?"

"Because you speak without thinking."


"You know if she's supposed to stay with me I think you should let go of her hand." Oven said winking.

"Oh !" Pudding gasped.

"Do I really have to stay here ?" I whispered to Katakuri.

"Yes. I'll buy you more Desserts when we get home." He whispered back.

"No ! You won't fool me again !" I whispered-yelled. "I'm in this situation because you promised me Desserts. I don't even know if we'll get home tonight !"

"I know. But I promise we'll get home."

"And more Desserts."

"What ? You just said no."

"Because you tried to fool me again with food ! But I think that after surviving today I'll deserve more Desserts. Don't you think ?"

He sighed "Fine you'll have more Desserts."

"Thank you !"

"You're unbelievable."

"Hey ! Lovebirds ! Stop whispering sweet things to each other ! You'll have all the time for that when you'll get home ! Now we have to stop Mama ! So Katakuri please ! Let.Go.Of.Her.Hand ! And go deal with your mom !" Oven yelled.

"I'll deal with you later Oven." Katakuri said.

"Oh shit."

"Be careful." I said.


"A problem ?"

"She's coming toward us. Pudding go tell Poire and Marble to not try to talk to Mama."

"Where are they ? I can't see them !"

"Near the fountain."

"Yes !"

"Take them to the castle. And tell everyone you see to meet us there."

"Okay !"

"Don't let Mama see you. Oven let's go."

"Why the castle ?"

"Mama's is heading here and she'll destroy everything. So we have to go to the opposite place."


"(Y/N). I'll explain to you later. Now let's go." How does he know all of that ?! "(Y/N)."



"Shit she's already here ! Katakuri what do we do ?" Oven asked.

"We have to get out of here before she sees us." He answered. "Come on (Y/N)."

"CAKE !"

"Shit ! She's here !" 

"Oven. I see exactly the same as you do no need to yell." Katakuri said. How can he stay so calm ? I'm freaking out !

"She'll catch us !"


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