Chapter 26

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"You'll see by yourself. We're here." We got off the ship and headed to his house.

"Look ! It's Katakuri-sama !"

"Welcome back Katakuri-sama !"

"Oh my God ! I think he looked at me !"

"No it was obviously me !"

"Who's that girl with him ?"

"Is it his wife ?"

"Her ?!"

"Look ! She has a ring on her finger !"

"Really ?!"

Can someone explain why there are only girls here ?

"There are many shops here ! Can we go ?" I said.

"Tomorrow. It's getting late and you have to unpack your things."

"Yeah you're right." I see what looks like a castle in the distance "Is it your castle ?"


"It's huge ! Do you live alone ?"

"Yes." Here we go again with the short answers. The rest of the way was silent.

"Katakuri-sama ! Welcome home ! You must be Katakuri-sama's wife !" Someone said.

"Hi ! I'm (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you Miss (Y/N) ! I'm Yuri !"

"Nice to meet you Yuri."

"Is it your belongings ?"


"Where should I put them ?"

"In the guest bedroom." Katakuri said.

"Is there only one guest bedroom in such a large castle ?" I asked.

"No. You can go with them and choose the one you want."

"Really ?" I smiled.

"Come on Miss (Y/N) ! Let's choose your room !"

"Yes !" There are a lot of rooms in this castle. "I'll take this one !"

"Alright ! We will bring your belongings now !"

"Thank you." This room is so big ! Look at the bed ! It's huge ! It looks so comfortable ! I already like this place !

"Here's your belongings ! Do you need anything ?"

"No, I'm fine thank you."

"Alright ! I'll leave now !"

Let's unpack all of this ! But wait ! "Where should I put my clothes ? I don't see a closet. Not even drawers."

"The white door on your left."

"The white door on my left ?" What is it ? Oh my God ! It's an entire room ! I have an entire room to store my clothes ! Hold on ! "Who's there ?"

"Who do you think it is besides me ?" Katakuri said.

"I didn't hear you !"

"It makes sense since you were too busy admiring your room. You like it ?"

"Yes ! I love it !"

"You can decorate it as you wish."

"I like it like that."

"Dinner is ready. Do you want to eat in your room or in the dinning room ?"

"Where do you eat ?"

"I'm not eating now. I have some work to do."

"Oh okay. I'll eat in my room then."

"I'll make someone bring it to you."

"Thank you."

"Do you need help unpacking ?"

"No I don't have a lot of things it'll be fast."

"Okay. Good evening."

"Good evening."

After I finished unpacking my stuff Yuri brought me dinner. It was delicious. Then I when to sleep and as I expected the bed is so comfy.

His one and only (Katakuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now