Chapter 23

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We both choked on our drink.

"You're right ! They don't ! (Y/N) still lives in Whole Cake Chateau !" Smoothie added.

"Why didn't they moved in together ?" Mondée asked.

"Yeah Katakuri ! Why your wife doesn't live with you ?" Daifuku asked looking at Katakuri.

"It's none of your business."

"Hell yeah it's my business ! How comes my sister doesn't live with her husband ?"

"What if something happens to her ?" Angel screamed.

"She can take care of herself."

Then they all started talking at the same time.

"Is he serious ?"

"I can't believe him !"

"Poor (Y/N)..."

"They should have moved together a long time ago !"

"Guys !" Perospero yelled. They all went silent. Thank God he'll calm things down !"What kind of husband are you Katakuri ?! How can you let your wife live that far away from you ?! You are on different islands ! Have you seen how far from here your island is ?!" I take back what I said, he's no better than the others.

"I have."

"Are you kidding me ?! And you haven't take (Y/N) to your island yet ! You know what ?! I'll take care of it since you're not responsible enough to do it yourself."

"See. You found the solution all by yourself."

"I'm going to kill you if you keep talking !"

"We both know you won't." Perospero is so patient, I could have never stayed so calm. Especially with all them laughing.

"Charlotte Katakuri !" I take that back too. "I'm going to kill you !"

"You've already said it. Did you forget ? Is it because you're getting too old ?" He's enjoying this.

"Katakuri ! I'm-" 

"Going to kill me ? Yeah I know." I can't help but laugh.

"(Y/N) ?! You too !"

"I'm sorry I can't help it !"

"That's your fault Katakuri !"

"Me ?"

"Yes ! You have a bad influence on her !"

"I don't think so. She was already like that."

"It's your fault ! (Y/N) stop laughing !"

"Sorry ! Sorry !"

"Even my little sister is making fun of me..."

"She's not the only one don't worry." I laughed harder.

"Katakuri ! (Y/N) !"

"I'm so sorry Perospero but this is too funny ! Come here let me give you a hug." He came into my arms fake crying. 

"I didn't know my older brother was such a crybaby."

"Katakuri stop !" I said still laughing.

"Oh ! So when it's (Y/N) you stop !" Perospero yelled getting away from me.

"A problem ?."

"Of course ! I'm your older brother you should stop when I tell you to !"

"You're a crybaby. She's my wife. See the difference ?"

"A wife you can't even take care of."

"I was about to say that I'll take care of moving her things but you said it first."

"So that's my fault now ?!"


"Guys that's enough." Compote said still laughing.

"I didn't do anything." Katakuri said. 

"You little..." Perospero sighed "You know what forget it. (Y/N) come on let's go pack your things."

"Oh ! Okay !"

"And for God's sake stop laughing."

"Y-yeah sorry..." I giggled.

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