Chapter 27

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I woke up after the best night of my life. The bed was so comfy ! I don't want to get out of bed ! I'll stay here forever !

Someone knocked on my door "(Y/N) ?" Katakuri ?!

"Yes ?"

"Are you ready ?"

"Ready for ?"

"We're going in town today, remember ?" Oh shit !

"I'll be ready soon ! Just wait a little bit !" I have to hurry ! I got ready and went out of my room. "I'm ready !"

"Is 25 minutes just a "little bit" for you ?"

"25 minutes ? I'm sure I didn't take that long." I thought I took longer !

"You did. Let's go."

We left the castle and went in town. There are a lot of people and most of them are looking at us.

"Where do you want to go first ?" Katakuri asked me.


"Katakuri-sama !" Did she just pushed me away ?! The next second Katakuri was surrounded by a bunch of girls. He didn't pay attention to them and came straight towards me.

"Are you okay ?"


"Great. Let's go."

"Where are we going ?"

"You'll see." He takes me to what looks like

"A Patisserie ?"

"Yes. Come in."

"Katakuri-sama ! It's a pleasure to see you !" A man said. "And you are ?"


"Katakuri-sama's wife ! Nice to meet you ! I'm Jiro ! What brings you here ?"

"She'll taste some of your Dessert."

"Lovely ! Take a look around and tell me what you want to taste."

"Anything I want ?"

"Anything you want !" I looked around the shop, everything looks delicious.

"It's expensive, it must be really good." 

"Don't worry about that ! You won't spend anything here, take this as a gift from me !"

"I can taste what I want for free ?!" Really ?

"Of course !"

"Thank you ! Can I taste this one ?"

"Sit right here and wait a little bit."

"Okay." We sat at a table. Everything here is really cute.

"Here's your Religieuse !"

"Thank you !" That looks so good ! "You don't eat anything ?"

"No." Short answers as usual.

"Your loss everything here looks delicious."


"Your loss everything here looks delicious." She said before taking a bite of her Dessert. When she did her face lit up. "It's delicious !" She ate it so fast she almost choked. "Can I taste this one too ?"

"Of course ! Here you go !"

"Amazing !" She eats too fast.

"Breathe." I said.

"I do, but it tastes so good ! Can I taste this one !" This girl...

We spent the whole morning here and she tasted every single Dessert. They even gave her some of her favorites. Everyone in there, including me, was surprised by how much she ate. She even finished the one she didn't like.

"Goodbye Jiro ! Goodbye everyone ! Thank you for everything ! Have a nice day !" She said jumping like a little girl. "Where do we go next ?"

"It's up to you."

"Is there other Patisserie here ?"

"You ate enough sweet things for today."



"You're not funny..." She pouted. Is she really pouting right now ?

"You plan to stay here for the rest of the day ?"


"Stop pouting and let's walk around town."

"Okay !" She smiled. Her mood changed really fast.

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