Chapter 13

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"Mama wait." Katakuri appears "She can't fight the Sweet Commanders."

"And why not Katakuri ? Don't you trust your wife ?" Big Mom said with a smile on her face.

"It doesn't matter if I trust her or not. The Sweet Commanders are on a whole other level, she can't fight them." Thank you for thinking that I'm weak how sweet of you...

"If the power is your only problem she won't fight you since you're the strongest Sweet Commander. Is it better ?" She said threateningly, meaning she won't take another remark from him.

He looked at me and sighed  "Yes Mama."  It's official, I'm screwed...

"So if there's no more objections, (Y/N) will fight three of the Four Sweet Commanders. Smoothie ! Cracker ! Snack ! Get ready !" 

"Y-yes Mama...." The three of them said.

"Hum...Excuse me...?" They all looked at me. Great. "Can I at least use my weapon ?"

"Mama mama you have a weapon ? I allow you to use it."

"Thank you...." What a relief if she had said no I wouldn't have lasted 30 seconds against my first opponent.

"You have to win against all of them otherwise you die. Understand ?"


"Excuse me ?"  What's her problem ? Did I say something wrong ? 

"You have to call her Mama" Pudding whispers. Is she serious ?


"Katakuri you'll have to teach your wife some manners ! If she survives of course !" 

"Yes Mama." 

"Good ! Let's start !" Let's start ?! Like right now ?! But I'm still in my wedding dress ! Is she serious ?! 


She can't fight the Sweet Commander especially one after the other without any break. I should check if she'll still be alive after all of this.

"Katakuri, I forbid you to use your Kenbunshoku Haki for the entire duration of the fights ! Am I clear ?" Really ?

"Yes Mama." 

We are all off the fighting zone. She'll fight Snack first, he's the weakest of the four of us, maybe she can win against him. Didn't she say she has a weapon ? Because there's no way she can beat Snack with her bare hands. 

His one and only (Katakuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now