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"Got everything?" Tom asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone chorused as the five kids clustered in the backseat. It was a little cramped in the minivan,what with the extra passenger the Harpers were carrying. A few seconds later,the ignition was turned on and they were moving, slowly at first but eventually at a steady speed. Though,they weren't exactly slow,it would take a while before they got to the highway.

"You okay?" Nicky asked the ninja who was seated next to him. Y/N let out a sigh.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine" he cracked a small smile. "thanks"

"I still can't believe we're going to Swellview!" Dicky said,an excited twinkle in his eyes.

"And I can't believe we're about to help a 14 year old kid fight a powerful masked psychopath" Tom was just as uncomfortable with the current events as his wife was.

"I know right?" Dicky said. "Even more awesome!"

Y/N chuckled.

"Man,you and Bose would get along so well"

"Who?" Dawn asked.

"My best friend..." Y/N smiled as he remembered the long haired boy.

"He's like Dicky?" Nicky asked.

"A lot like Dicky" Y/N smiled.

Nicky suddenly moved a little in his seat, causing him to shift Y/N's bandage a little. The affected teen groaned slightly at the sharp pain.

"Oh,man" Nicky said. "sorry... I'm so sorry"

"It's okay..." Y/N said, looking at his affected arm.

"Wait," Dawn asked. "how're you going to fight this guy if your arm's broken?"

"How're you going to fight him at all?" Ricky asked. "You said that you barely survived the first fight"

"I might have an ace or two up my sleeve" Y/N smirked as he looked ahead at the road.


The Man-Buggy sped along the highway under the orange light of the evening sun, the team being lead by Schwoz... Well, technically,they were being lead by the tracking device.

Chapa had her lip curled nervously as her tension. So many questions were now in her mind; why was he moving? Was he looking for them? Did that freak find him and capture him?

Chapa was never this worried about anything,safe for her phone. It was almost laughable that someone like her was so visibly worried about someone. But then again,this was no ordinary or random person; this person was hers.

Chapa tried to ignore the hum of the Man-Buggy's engine as she fished out the first thing the missing Ninja gave her; his own phone.

Switching it on,the first thing that hit her eyes was his lock screen which was a picture of Naruto. She knew that cause Y/N almost always talked about the guy with so much excitement. Looking at the blonde who had a toothy grin on the screen,she let out a sigh. Naruto held up the peace handsign in the picture and he had his eyes closed.

'You must really be something special if he looks up to you so much...'

Truth be told,if Naruto was as good as Y/N said... Then her teammate was doing a great job of emulating his hero. The boy's attitude was another thing that drew her to him... They both seemed so different and yet they had a lot of things in common... She always saw that familiar fire in Y/N's eyes... And she didn't just mean the black ones that spawned when he took on Drex the second time, she meant the determination he had to protect people,even if it meant he got hurt in the process, though it wasn't expressed as intensely as hers was... It was definitely there.

Across Dimensions-A Space Time Adventure (Chapa X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now