The Lone Ninja

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Mika and I made our way out of the academy building,the only sound around us being the sound of our shoes hitting the pavement.

"Ray's crazy" Mika said.

"Nothing really surprising there" I semi joked. "I'm surprised he wasn't too terrified of Kurama to speak"

"And I'm surprised that Kurama didn't eat him" Mika said. I let out a faint laugh.

After walking in another round of silence for about five minutes, Mika decided to ask the question that even I didn't have the answer to.

"You okay?"

I let out a deep breath. "... I don't know"

Mika looked at me as we slowly walked into the main parts of Swellview.

"I could talk to my mom and see if you could stay over for a while... You could share Miles' room"

I smiled at the kind hearted gesture of the female Macklin. As much I would've loved to live with them...

"Mika..." I said. "I can't do that to you, you've got a lot on your plate right now with the prank war going on"

"That's exactly why I don't want you to stay out alone" Mika said. "It's not safe out here right now"

As if the universe was proving her right,an anvil dropped less than three feet in front of us, causing us to halt in our tracks, with Mika shrieking a little.

A couple seconds later,a voice from above – Apparently from the top floor of the building next to us – was heard.

"Dang it! I missed!"

Mika looked at me with a raised eyebrow and pointed to the anvil which had made a small dent in the pavement. "Still wanna stay out wandering around Swellview?"

I let out a sigh as we walked past the failed prank (more like murder attempt). "I have Kurama. Aside that,I have the Sharingan"

"Yeah,when you're FoxSage" Mika whispered. "What about Y/N? You can't depend on your abilities for too long, remember you said that using the Sharingan excessively could make you blind"

"I hardly use it!" I countered. "And Kurama senses everything around me so I'm sure I'll be fine"

"Where are you even gonna stay?"

"I'll figure something out"

"You'll figure something out?" Mika looked at me as if nine tails just sprouted out of my butt. "Are you listening to yourself?!"

"It shouldn't be that hard to navigate through Swellview. I've basically seen this city countless times over the past few years"

"That's not the same,Y/N" Mika was getting exasperated. How was I supposed to let this girl know that as much as I loved the idea, I couldn't live with them?

I didn't want to be anyone's problem anymore.

I reached for her hand as we finally arrived at their neighborhood. "Mika... I'll be fine"

Worry was evident in the girl eyes as she looked at me. "Y/N,what if..."

"Trust me" I squeezed her hand lightly. "It's better this way... I need to get a few things figured out and you need to win this war. It won't be forever... If  you get too worried, Schwoz has trackers installed in all our suits... Even mine"

"Trust me" I said. "Okay?"

She looked at me for a while,I could've sworn I saw her eyes water for a split second before my body was enveloped in a tight hug.

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