Mime Games

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Schwoz came to my room the previous night and told me we'd be going to Paris today. Of course I was excited, seeing as I'd be traveling for the first time,but I was also kinda worried... I didn't exactly know what to do about Bose's issue. I wouldn't want us to leave him behind like in the original episode but at the same time I don't want to leave the man's nest open for The Toddler and Goomer to break into. I wondered what to do about my situation but shrugged it off for the time being so I could focus on getting ready for the trip.


We were all downstairs in S.W.A.G getting ready to leave. Mika was packing her suitcase as well as Miles' while he just sat on his chair and read a magazine... He seriously gives me Shikamaru vibes,same laid back and lazy attitude and they both turn out to be right about everything... Except Miles doesn't play shogi.

Chapa,Bose and I were packing weapons. Chapa was packing the man's nest weapons,I was in my FoxSage suit, packing my Ninja tools into my pouch and good ol' Bosey was packing a few of his made up weapons into his own duffle bag. I don't know why but I felt more comfortable using kunais and shurikens than I did using blasters and pulse grenades. I placed a pair of triple pronged kunais in the holster that was usually strapped to my right leg.

"How do you not stab yourself by accident with those things?" Chapa asked.

"Shinobi instinct" I said with a little laugh.

"Shinobi?" Chapa asked.

"It's another term for ninja" I clarified.

"I will never get used to you using weird words like that" Chapa said,shaking her head. I smiled.

"Trust me,you don't know the half of it" I replied.

"Why are you in your ninja outfit anyway?" Chapa asked.

"Cause unlike you guys, my weapons are pretty crude and are mostly made of metal and I really don't wanna get stopped at the airport when our bags are getting checked. So I'm gonna pack all my weapons into my pockets,then transform back to normal so all my weapons would already be in my outfit when we need to transform again" I explained.

"Okay, that's pretty smart" Miles said from where he was seated.

"Right?" Chapa asked and Mika agreed.

'Even I have to admit, you're smarter than I thought you'd be' Kurama said.

'Thanks... Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!'

"Thanks" I smiled and shrugged a little. "Bose,you ready?"

"Just need to remember where I kept my hoodie" Bose replied.

"Oh, Schwoz is wearing it" I said, pointing at the foreign scientist who had the hood thrown over his head to disguise himself as my best friend.

"Huh,funny. I have that exact same hoodie" Bose said, walking up to Schwoz.

Ray suddenly walked back into the classroom. "Okay, let's go let's go let's go!"

"Don't rush me dude" I said, reaching for my gum holder. I popped one of the modified gumballs into my mouth and blew, transforming me back into my original clothes which consisted of a hooded denim jacket over a yellow t-shirt and black jeans,of course finished off with my signature Vans. I looked down and smiled at the semi-normal teenager that I currently was.

"You got the weapons?" Ray asked Chapa.

"Yep,Y/N helped" Chapa said.

"Sweet. You got the little sizzler?"


"Smoke wagon?"

"In there"

"The mean wheel?"

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