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Chapa looked around only to be greeted by darkness surrounding her. The last thing she remembered was looking into those red eyes... those eyes that Y/N had told them about,the three black tomoe patterns in the eyes started seemingly spinning before transforming into a floral shape.

"Hello!" she called out

The darkness dispelled and she was then seemingly taken to the Swellview border,where she,Ray,Henry and Y/N once went to while she was still looking for her phone. She heard rustling in one of the bushes nearby and got into a fighting stance.

"Who's there?" She asked

"Ch... chapa..." a familiar voice rasped out. Chapa raised an eyebrow, recognizing the voice but still wanting to be careful.

"Who's back there?" she asked, slightly running out of patience. The bushes rustled once again and the owner of the voice slowly emerged out of the bushes... but what Chapa saw would leave her shaken for a while.

Y/N crawled out of the bushes slowly,pain visible on his injured face with each movement. His superhero outfit had been deformed; his green flack jacket was missing and the left sleeve of his black t-shirt was apparently torn off, revealing his burned arm. Taking a closer look, Chapa looked and saw that the boy had about seven knives (or kunais as he'd always called them) along with several needles stuck in his back, apparently causing him extreme pain. His lip was apparently split as well, resulting in trails of blood running down to his chin. His nose was apparently broken, multiple times, explaining why he was breathing through his mouth so much with each step.

What caught Chapa's attention next was the gaping hole in the boy's stomach,there wasn't any sign of blood in that hole,rather there were cracks around the hole,as if that part of his body were made of hardened clay....

'That means that guy had ripped the nine tails right out of him'

Chapa placed her hands over her mouth in utter horror as the former jinchruriki slowly made his way towards her and on instinct, ran to him, trying to help him up. As she picked up the boy,she could tell his breathing was slow. Her eyes widened.

"Hey,hey... Y/N,wha... what happened to you?" she managed to ask despite her shock.

"O....bito... he... he has Kurama n-now..." the teen huffed out in response.

"Shhhh,save your breath kid" Chapa said in a voice that was too soft for her.

"I'm sorry..." he said.

"You'll be okay,you'll be okay...just relax" Chapa reassured him, though she knew she was scared herself.

"... I don't know Chapa,I don't have any...chakra left..." he said but hissed halfway into his sentence due to the sharp objects that were still lodged in his back. "...and Kurama isn't here to heal my injuries..." he finished, falling on the brown haired girl,to her surprise and horror,she felt his heart rate reduce.

"We'll get you to the man's nest soon...j-just don't strain yourself okay?" Chapa said.

Suddenly Y/N's breaths hitched and became uneven. Chapa pulled away from the improvised embrace to look at the boy who apparently was having trouble breathing. The former jinchruriki fell back to the ground taking quick and uneven breaths and grasping at his throat. Chapa got to him and tried to hold him steady while asking him to breathe.

"N-no Chapa... I can... Feel my Chakra reserves running empty... I don't have much... " he started.

"S-shut up..." Chapa said,her voice slightly cracking. "Just shut up... s-stop talking like that..." Chapa said, holding his face in her hands.

Across Dimensions-A Space Time Adventure (Chapa X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now