Ray Goes Cray...

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Author's note: While writing this I was listening to Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots... Don't know who cares but it's an insane album.

Y/N's POV:

After the sleepover, I was about to teleport to my room in the man's nest (I'd left my kunai close to the bed) when Mika pointed out that we could just go together since we were all there and I agreed cause why not?

On our way to school, Bose kept asking me about Kurama. What he eats, whether he eats at all,how old he is,if he has a leash... You know, Bose-ish kind of questions and surprisingly I answered them all. It was nice to actually talk to people about him and now I can talk about it with my closest friends... Though we did agree to keep it from Ray,cause I don't know how that guy will react.

Something did feel a little off today though... I felt a little lightheaded when I woke up and when Mrs Macklin gave us breakfast this morning,my stomach was acting up a little but I brushed it off,It was probably just my stomach recovering from last night's contest with Bose...


After we all got settled in Mika and Miles' living room, we all started talking about food and somehow I brought up Ramen.

"Is it really that good?" Chapa asked,unable to believe that I'd asked Schwoz for seven bowls when I first got to Swellview.

"Oh,yeah!" I said,in all honesty,the noodles were amazing. I was slowly following in Naruto's footsteps.

"Bet I can eat more than you can" Bose said, grinning at me.

"Ha!" I said in disbelief.

"Or are you scared?" Bose asked, folding his arms and smirking at me. I cracked an evil smile at my friend.

"that's it, you're on!" I said before Bose and I slapped our hands together in agreement.

"I strongly advise you guys against this" Miles started.

"Quiet,I love this" Chapa said, rubbing her palms mischievously. She's so cute when she gets like this...

Twenty minutes later we were surrounded by twenty bowls of ramen which Mika ordered from a Japanese themed restaurant on the west side of Swellview.

"Ready?" asked Chapa,who had volunteered to be the referee. Bose and I nodded, glaring at each other.


We both slurped bowl after bowl with the rest of our friends cheering us on loudly. After my eighth bowl I felt my stomach filling to it's brim and I could tell Bose was giving out too by his facial expressions... eventually there was only one bowl left and we were both too full to even reach for it. Chapa eventually snatched the bowl and ate it's contents. We both fell to the floor to catch our breaths and soothe our aching guts.

"It's a tie" Mika said, laughing.

"I can't feel my legs" I said, groaning .

"Worth it!" Bose said.

"Totally worth it!" I agreed and managed to stretch my arm out for a fist bump from my friend which he honored.

"Truce?" I asked.

"Truce" he said and we smiled.

"Well thanks for eating all our dinner knuckleheads" Chapa said, poking my belly.

"Ugh, stop Chapa, you're gonna make me puke" I said. Bose laughed but apparently that hurt his stomach too cause he grunted.

End of flashback.

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