New Faces

198 5 1

"Hey... You awake?"

I heard the voice through the darkness,a young female voice. I was slowly stirring enough to let feeling return to my body. I didn't know how long I'd be out,my arm still felt heavy... But I couldn't move it so I guessed it was bandaged now.


I heard them sigh with relief. I guessed it must've been Mika,but the blurriness in my ears didn't let me tell for sure and I didn't care enough to open my eyes just yet. I hadn't been this comfortable in a while.

"That's a relief! Some of the others didn't think you would" they continued. "A guy drops from who knows how high up, surrounded by a glowing orange light shaped like a set of ribs and hits the ground hard enough to make a crater... And somehow you wake up"

I thought about her words...

A ribcage? It suddenly clicked.


There was a pause before another voice spoke,a male this time.


I took a deep breath before explaining yet another ability of my Sharingan.

"It's an ability of my Mangekyo sharingan,it basically allows me to manifest my system's Chakra into a solid piece of armor. It takes a while to master but apparently I managed to use the ribcage,which is the most basic form... I'm surprised I activated it at a time like this"

I waited for a comment from Mika,Bose, Miles or Chapa but I was met with strange silence. I then decided to open my eyes.

"Anyways how long did-"

I then realized that I was in a room,it had this brown color that gave me the feeling that majority of the house was wooden, despite knowing that there was concrete involved and there were yellow bulbs by the door. There was a small table close to my head with a glass of water on it. And just in front of me were four people... But not the four I was expecting.

A young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looked at me and beside her was a boy with a similar hair color who wore a sweater vest. There were two other boys; one with short dark brown hair and a slim frame and the last one... Had hair that looked like Bose's

"Holy crap..."

No wonder they were all quiet, I'd just explained the Susanoo in detail... the Harper quads!

"You okay?" Dawn asked.

I blinked three times before sitting up, immediately reminded of my broken arm as the pain hit me.

"Hey, hey" Nicky said. "Easy there buddy"

"Wha... How?" I whispered in a tone loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"How what?" Ricky asked.

"How did I end up here?"

"She just explained it" Dicky said. "were you not paying attention?"

I would've smiled at Dicky's comment, seeing as it reminded me of my best friend.

But this was definitely not the time.

"No,I mean... How did I end up so far from Swellview and the rest of the quince cities?"

"Swellview?" Dawn raised an eyebrow.

"What's Swellview?" Dicky asked.

"It's a small town in the heartland of America" Ricky explained. "nice place actually"

Across Dimensions-A Space Time Adventure (Chapa X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ