Trust Me

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"No way!"

"You should've seen him,it was awesome!"

"I can't believe I missed that too when I left!"

"Yeah,he was all 'Get out,now!' and his eyes went all red and he had this red energy thing around him"

"But he can make his eyes red naturally,you know, with that shareengan thing"

"No,no this was different,his pupils were slits this time. It was like the aura in the room changed"

I watched my friends, who currently surrounded me as we sat outside the man's nest, talk about the previous day's events in Paris. Sitting in the lotus position,my eyes darted from one person to the other as they recalled my brief transformation thanks to Kurama. I also covered my mouth as laughed at Bose's pronunciation of the Sharingan as the discussion continued.

"He almost looked like an actual fox" Mika said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... And you will never speak of it to anyone... But he was pretty scary back there" Chapa said, glaring at all of us before she continued. "That fox must really be something else if it can change an atmosphere just like that"

"He was pretty awesome here too" Bose said. "He took care of the two criminals who showed up by himself"

"So that's why they were unconscious when we got back" Miles put two and two together.

I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. "You guys realize I'm sitting right in front of you"

"Yeah, sure we do. That's why we're talking about you" Bose said, reaching over and ruffling my hair.

"Seriously, you've got skills man" Miles said, stretching for a fist bump which I gladly honored.

"Thanks Miles... But seriously, Kurama did all the work" I said honestly.

'Dang right I did' The fox said.

'Oh,be quiet fox'

"Hey, has anyone else noticed that we're having a slow day today?" Chapa asked.

"Yeah,no emergency calls all day" Miles said.

"And no Ray either" Mika added.

"Oh,he went to the mot to flirt with any hot moms he can find" I said.

"How do you live with him?" Miles asked.

"Trust me it's not easy" I said. "Two days ago, he interrupted my senjutsu training so I could use my shadow clones to get a sock down from the ceiling"

"Sounds like Ray alright" Chapa said. "Well,since it's just us and we're free... How about a movie?"

We all seemed to love the idea and agreed.

"Oh, Oh!" Bose raised his arms. "Can I pick the movie this time?"

"Dude, we've watched Jumanji six times already... This week alone!" Chapa said, knowing what the long haired boy would want to watch.

"Well excuse me for loving perfection" Bose pouted. I smiled at the interaction between my crush and best friend,which was a heavy contrast to what I did yesterday.

"Dude,what about something from the Galaxy Wars franchise?" Miles suggested.

"Yes!" Bose said immediately. I hadn't seen any Galaxy Wars movie, primarily because It didn't exist in our universe,but I was sure it'd be similar to Star Wars so I was willing to see it.

"Sure I don't see why not" I said with a small smile.

"Alright let's go" Chapa said, standing up from the rock she sat on... Which happened to be the same rock I hid my weapons shipment from Gamakichi.

Across Dimensions-A Space Time Adventure (Chapa X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now