The Nine Tails.

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Author's note: I just want to say thanks to everyone for following this weird crap I'm doing here, particularly AlexMajorova  thanks so much!


Y/N's POV:

The same dream... The same sequence... The same eyes... This time I followed Kurama tried to call out to him and snap him out of whatever manipulation he was under. The giant fox turned his piercing red eyes towards me and I saw nothing but hostility in them.

"Snap out of it Kurama! This isn't you!" I yelled to my friend. The tailed beast opened his mouth as if to speak but then I saw dark red chakra gathering in his open mouth,shaping itself into a sphere that kept growing in size... I widened my eyes as the realization dawned on me.

Kurama was about to hit me with a tailed beast bomb... There's was no way I could dodge that.

All I could do as the beast shot the chakra filled bomb at me was stare in shock and call out to my friend one more time.



I snapped my eyes open and shot up from where I was lying down,my heart pounding and sweat dripping down my forehead. I immediately placed my hand on my stomach where the seal was just to be sure Kurama was still there.

'Kurama!' I thought.

'Hmmm?' the old fox responded,making me sigh deeply in slight relief.

'Oh,thank God, you're still here!' I thought.

'I can feel your heartbeat right now... Another bad dream?' Kurama asked.

'Yeah...' I responded.

It was the second time I'd had this dream but it didn't make it any less scary,in fact,this one was way more terrifying. I heard the others shift in their beds/sleeping bags and realized I accidentally woke them... I probably screamed when I woke up.

"Y/N... What's wrong?" Mika asked,sleep still evident in her voice.

"It's nothing serious... Sorry I woke you guys" I said. Mika shook her head signifying she didn't believe me.

"Don't lie to us, there's genuine fear in your eyes right now, we're your friends,Y/N... Let us in" Mika said.

"Yeah, what's bothering you?" Chapa asked, getting close to me. I couldn't tell if my heart was beating so fast cause Chapa was close to me or I was still shocked from the dream but I'll go with the second option.

I sighed. If ever there was a time to open up to them about Kurama,now would be the most suitable time.

"What's wrong buddy?" Bose asked, coming next to me too.

"Do you guys remember when I was explaining how I ended up here? I was explaining how Minato died?" I asked. Everyone nodded.

"Yeah?" Chapa said.

"Well..." I started before lifting my shirt to show them the seal.

" I started before lifting my shirt to show them the seal

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