New Kids

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"...Dude it's really not a big deal" I said in a weak tone as Bose lead me to my room. I came downstairs the next day–which was the day Miriam and Percy were sent here– and tried to convince Ray that I wasn't too sick to function. Unfortunately I almost passed out in front of the two British children and Ray had told Bose to take me "home". Oh and a little piece of advice: don't climb up a mountain when you're not feeling well, it'll feel like there's a a tonne of bricks in your gut. I still don't know how Bose did it,but we made it up to the man's nest and came in through the back door.

"You look like you could literally fall apart any minute" Bose said, pushing the door to my room open. He got to my bed and removed my arm from around his shoulders before dropping me on the bed. I fell on the bed almost immediately but decided to sit up for a while. Bose looked at me with squinted eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you sure the fox isn't the one hurting you?" Bose asked. I shook my head and smiled.

"That's not how it works buddy..." I said before lifting my shirt up to show him the seal again "If he was hurting me,the seal would he glowing red"

"Why red?" Bose asked.

"Cause that's the color of his energy" I said.

"Energy has colors?" Bose asked curiously.

"Yeah,I mean..." I started.

"Then what's my energy color?" Bose asked,his eyes shining with childlike excitement. I smiled at my friend's enthusiasm.

"I don't know... Blue?" I said while laughing a little, thinking about the Omega weapon incident.

"Yessssss! Just what I wanted!" Bose said and I laughed.

"You sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Bose asked. I adjusted my position as if to lay down.

"Yeah,the others need you to scare Percy and Miriam out of the school with your soup ghost impressions" I said, stifling a laugh. I knew it wouldn't scare them at all but you gotta admit,it was kinda funny.

"Yeah,I do make a pretty awesome ghost..." Bose said, smiling. "Okay,but if you need anything just triple beep me alright?" Bose said, standing up.

"I don't know how to but I'll try" I said. Bose laughed as he walked towards the door.

"Bye dude" I said as I threw the covers over myself.

"See ya!" Bose waved before closing the door.

After Bose left,I was left to my thoughts... And my aching guts and head.

I wondered where Minato Sensei was,if he was watching all this happen or if he even knew I was here. Kurama said not to worry about it but it was hard not to worry since I only spoke to him when he gave me that mission. I also wondered what my parents were doing at this time... What was their reaction when they came home and saw that I was missing and had a stab mark on my bed's headboard... If they even cared. They most likely didn't,they never did before so why would they now? I remember how much they said I was the bane of their existence and I was that extra kid that they didn't want. I had siblings but they were all married so apparently I wasn't a part of the plan in the first place.  It's almost laughable to think that they cared sometimes,we hardly talked and when we did it was just them yelling at me. I'd usually lock myself in my room just to get away from them but someway, somehow they'd find something to yell about. It was conditions like this that made me feel even more connected to Naruto when I started watching the anime... I relate to that kid in a lot of ways and he taught me a whole lot about determination and becoming better that you already are. Then I started watching Danger Force a while after Henry Danger ended and I slowly started to love it just as much.

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