Drex is Back

406 11 4

Drex tied all of us up to chairs. Bose was telling a story of how he was going to save the day. I gotta say,I don't know if he's dumb or just too innocent.

"These your new sidekicks?" Drex asked.

"No!" Ray said.

"Well you're gonna need a new one,cause right now Henry Hart's getting a visit from my best cavemen" Drex said.

"You're the one oversensitive to pain,cause your cavemen are probably getting their butts kicked right now" said Cap.

"Ehhh..." I said.

"What do you mean 'ehhh'?" Cap asked.


"We sent you 100,000,000 years into the past. How did you get back to our time?" Schwoz asked.

"I'll tell you how; I waited" Drex said.

"For 100,000,000 years?" I asked. I know the answer but it doesn't doesn't seem any less unbelievable.

"I froze myself and waited for climate change to thaw me out" Drex said.

"Again,for 100,000,000 years?!" I asked.

"I had my hatred to keep me company. That and my army of cavemen" Drex said.

Drex started telling the story of how he trained the cavemen to hate Henry and Ray by blaming everything on them.

"What did they ever do to you to make you hate them so much?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Oh,well a lot of things" Drex replied.

"Pretty sure you deserved it" I said, earning a glare from Drex which just made me smirk.

"Alright,you waited 100,000,000 years to destroy me? Untie me, let's dance" Ray said.

"I have a better idea" Drex said.

"Than dancing? I'd like to hear it" Bose scoffed making me laugh. He really doesn't know what's going on.

"See,I was gonna unleash my caveman army upon you" Drex started, causing the cavemen to freak out before Drex calmed them down.

"But while I was hiding in the ceiling I heard Schwoz say something... And it gave me an even better idea"

"What? Going back in time to stop your pare from dating so scum like you won't exist?" I asked.

"I will punch you!" Drex threatened.

"Yawn" I said with a flat tone. Drex held his head,desperately trying to maintain composure,which I smiled at.

Schwoz assumed it was about using the time ray.

"No,but that's a great idea too" Drex said.

"Dang it Schwoz!" Cap said.

"Dude!" I added.

"Sorry,sorry that one's on me" Schwoz said.

Drex started to ask our help to create evil plans.

"Don't even look at me Chief, I'm not the thinking type" I lied, turning away from Drex.

Suddenly Henry came in

"What are you doing here?" Henry asked.

"Oh,my step dad said he'd give captain Man a statue..." Bose started, thinking Henry was asking him.

"No,no no buddy... I think he's talking to Drex" I said, looking at Bose who nodded.

"What're you doing here?" Henry asked again.

Across Dimensions-A Space Time Adventure (Chapa X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu