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I kneel down in front of him and dry his tears, "It wasn't your fault," I tell him.

"I know," He says.

"No I mean it, and it's really important to me that you know that too because it isn't your fault and it never will be. You are the best brother a girl could ask for, even though you are 18 years older than me, you are my hero, and when dad died you were there, and when I almost died you were there, so fuck mom, and if she only wants to show up when she has to then she does that, I don't care, all I care about is you and Lizzie," I tell him, and he nods which lets me know that he has heard me, and understand what I'm saying.

"And Scarlett," He adds to my sentence and laughs, I smack him on the shoulder and hug him.

"Sure, Scarlett too," I say into his shoulder, "Now, can we go back out to Lizzie, I know she's dying to hug you," I tell him and he stands up and reaches his hand out for me to grab.

I pull him back out to the kitchen and stop him in front of Lizzie who very carefully wraps her arms around his waist and holds him close. "You two make me wanna vomit," I say and make a gagging sound.

"Yeah, you say that now, but as soon as you and Scarlett fix your shit and stop being stubborn you are going to be worse than us," Lizzie states, and Matthew agrees with her.

"I hate you both,"

"You love us," Matthew says and looks over at me.

"I hate you,"

It's currently 2 Pm and Lizzie and Matt left 15 minutes ago. I need to make a plan about how I am going to go about talking with Scarlett without her freaking the fuck out on me, or I just don't talk with her and let it go however it goes, which probably is a very bad idea for like everybody involved.

I pick up my phone to call her which is the best for everybody and the line rings until it goes to her voicemail. "Hi, this is Scarlett, leave a message at the beep and I'll call you right back! Have a nice day," I can basically hear her smile.

"Hey, it's Y/n, I have to talk to you about something, so if you could call me back later that would be awesome, thanks in advance," I hang up and put away the dirty dishes from the coffee and my lunch. I grab some more food and return to my couch to continue falling in love with Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau.

After an hour my phone rings, "Hey Y/n, sorry I didn't pick up earlier, I had late lunch with Lizzie, anyways you said you wanted to talk,"

"That's okay, but yes, I don't know if Lizzie mentioned it, but what are we going to do about tomorrow with Alice?" I ask her and she goes silent, she probably hasn't even thought about it.

"I hadn't even thought about that," Bingo.

"I was thinking that I just, you know, drop on her that we are friends so that if anybody tells her about it she won't explode," I suggest.

"I honestly think we should just leave it as it, is because if Alice asks any questions then I'm going to tell her, and I know Lizzie is in on this too, that we met through work and became good friends, which isn't a lie, and because Alice had Lizzie it isn't going to be a problem, and if they ask about you then it's just gonna be that we became friends through Lizzie and Matthew," I like her thinking but then again I don't, because we need to be able to pull this lie and probably others to, to be able to get away with it for a whole night.

"I don't know, it just seems weird for some reason, and I just know the other shoe is going to drop at one point," I tell her.

"I understand that, but at the same time is our friendship really any of your mother's business? And I know I don't know your mother very well and if she wants to report me for having a friendship with a student she's gonna have to report Lizzie for being in a relationship with Matthew and almost being family with Alice who is a former student which wouldn't make sense on her part. So if I were you I wouldn't do anything about it and just have fun tomorrow," She says, trying to explain the situation as a whole and not just one piece, which makes me understand that it really doesn't matter if my mother knows or not.

"Yeah I guess you're right, I'm not going to tell her. But I will see you tomorrow, oh before I go, I needed to ask for Lizzie if you were staying the night tomorrow or going home,"

"I already talked to her about it actually, and I'm just going to go home, they already have enough people staying over and I don't want to intrude. But yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, bye Y/n," She says and we hang up.

Now that that is out of the air I can finally relax, and stop thinking about the worst-case scenario, which is also good. I'm just gonna watch my series, eat my food, go to bed early and then get up tomorrow to go to my father's grave with Matthew like we do every year on Christmas with Lizzie tagging along for the first time which is going to be great.

Hello hello my lovelies, tomorrow is the day, and I do really hope yall enjoyed this chapter.

Love you.

Miss Johansson ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant